Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Terrible DTV converter box

Back a few years ago when we had to switch to digital Tv, the Channel
Master CM-7000 was rated at the top of the consumer reports. I bought
one. It turned out to be the biggest lemon of all electronics I've ever
bought. As soon as I got it, it had these either sloppy, or over
sensitive switches on the front of the box. If I was watching channel
6.1 and wanted to go to 6.2, pushing the channel UP botton would almost
always go to ch 8.1 or 10.2. The on off button worked the same way.
You'd push it to then it off, and it would go off and come right back

Eventually this cheap plastic lever that pushes the actual on-off switch
broke, leaving no way to turn it on or off. I had to open the case to
turn it on using a screwdriver against the actual switch, and always
leave it on or unplug it. I finally put it on a power strip so I could
turn it off with the p-strip.

Well, earlier in the week I turned it off, and instead of going into
standby more, it completely shut off.

It works like this:
Green Led is ON
Yellow Led is Standby
Red Led is Off

The only time I saw the red led was when I first turned on the power,
and only for a few seconds. The other day it was on, with yellow led,
then it went to red. It stayed red for a half hour or so, then suddenly
the light turned green and the tv had a program. Yesterday I turned on
the p-strip and the led stayed red. I shut it back off, then on again,
several times. Now it appears to just have gone permanently dead. I get
that red light and nothing more. Its been that way for 10 or 11 hours
now. I opened the case, there are no burnt parts or bulged caps. I
tapped on and flexed the board, but it appears to have died.

In some ways, I'm almost glad this miserable thing is gone, but I'm not
used to being without tv. I guess I'll have to buy another converter
today, but it wont be a Channel Master. Actually I have another one, a
RCA, but there is no remote for it, so I cant program it.

As far as design, I think all these converter boxes were cheaply made to
be sold cheap on those govt. coupons, but this CM-7000, was the worst of
them. I had used the coupons for some elderly relatives and bought them
some other brand converters at that time, because there was a shortage
of many of the most popular ones. I installed their converters for
them, and they still work today. So, in the end, the top most rated
converter turned out to be the worst one. The cheaper ones still work.

So much for consumer reports!!!


Back a few years ago when we had to switch to digital Tv, the Channel
Master CM-7000 was rated at the top of the consumer reports. I bought
one. It turned out to be the biggest lemon of all electronics I've ever
bought. As soon as I got it, it had these either sloppy, or over
sensitive switches on the front of the box. If I was watching channel
6.1 and wanted to go to 6.2, pushing the channel UP botton would almost
always go to ch 8.1 or 10.2. The on off button worked the same way.
You'd push it to then it off, and it would go off and come right back

Eventually this cheap plastic lever that pushes the actual on-off switch
broke, leaving no way to turn it on or off. I had to open the case to
turn it on using a screwdriver against the actual switch, and always
leave it on or unplug it. I finally put it on a power strip so I could
turn it off with the p-strip.

Well, earlier in the week I turned it off, and instead of going into
standby more, it completely shut off.

It works like this:
Green Led is ON
Yellow Led is Standby
Red Led is Off

The only time I saw the red led was when I first turned on the power,
and only for a few seconds. The other day it was on, with yellow led,
then it went to red. It stayed red for a half hour or so, then suddenly
the light turned green and the tv had a program. Yesterday I turned on
the p-strip and the led stayed red. I shut it back off, then on again,
several times. Now it appears to just have gone permanently dead. I get
that red light and nothing more. Its been that way for 10 or 11 hours
now. I opened the case, there are no burnt parts or bulged caps. I
tapped on and flexed the board, but it appears to have died.

In some ways, I'm almost glad this miserable thing is gone, but I'm not
used to being without tv. I guess I'll have to buy another converter
today, but it wont be a Channel Master. Actually I have another one, a
RCA, but there is no remote for it, so I cant program it.

As far as design, I think all these converter boxes were cheaply made to
be sold cheap on those govt. coupons, but this CM-7000, was the worst of
them. I had used the coupons for some elderly relatives and bought them
some other brand converters at that time, because there was a shortage
of many of the most popular ones. I installed their converters for
them, and they still work today. So, in the end, the top most rated
converter turned out to be the worst one. The cheaper ones still work.

So much for consumer reports!!!

Sorry to hear that hadn't heard that they were long ago co-opted by the
manufacturers' groups.


Nico Coesel

Back a few years ago when we had to switch to digital Tv, the Channel
Master CM-7000 was rated at the top of the consumer reports. I bought
one. It turned out to be the biggest lemon of all electronics I've ever
bought. As soon as I got it, it had these either sloppy, or over

My wife once got trapped into subscribing for a digital decoder from
the cable company. On the leaflet its said it would take 1 or 2 hours
to install. Needless to say I returned it unused. We did had to pay
extra for one year but after that I cancelled the entire subscription.
In some ways, I'm almost glad this miserable thing is gone, but I'm not
used to being without tv. I guess I'll have to buy another converter

Download utorrent and watch from your PC. You already pay for what you
watch by buying groceries. Don't forget the TV stations get funded by
the commercials.


I kinda doubt that...

But it's a fair bet that anyone who reads this group is going to be
rather pickier about their electronics that the people who test things
at Consumer Reports. Many people don't realize that things like
overly-sensitive (or not-sensitive-enough or slow to respond or...)
buttons are things that are entirely under the designer's control...

Mmmmm. Maybe more like under management and bean counter cost control?
