Maker Pro
Maker Pro

temperature controlled using pic

i try to create a project that can detect n controlled temperature using pic. but still having hard time to just imagine it. cause i dont know much about pic.


What is it that you are trying to ask? You'll need to provide us with as much information as possible if you are looking for advice. ;)
i try to build a circuit that can detect temperature in a small n closed place like in a box. n it can control the temperature by controlling the bulbs that used to heat the box. by using a pic.
Can you please use complete words. What you have typed is impossible to decipher and it appears that it makes no sense.

ok2 sorry.

i want to build a circuit like this link[/URL]

but i want the pic to also control the temperature.
as example, a box is heated by 4 bulb. n the sensor will detect the temperature.
when the temperature is 37c all 4 bulb will light up
when 38c 3 bulb will light up.
when 39c 2 bulb will light up.
when 40c 1 bulb will light up.
when 41c 0 bulb will light up n the fan will switch on
can u help me.