Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tek 455?




A friend emptying his closet sent me a Tek 455 that was previously given
to him in turn.

From a cursory visual inspection, all the boards seem intact and clean,
however I found the crt & graticule was missing... pretty hard to miss!

So I'm wondering if a crt is available used or NOS and what it may cost?
Or even simply if it's economically worthwhile?

Any comment(s) appreciated...


.... Dunno if we'll get that past the CSA und UL 'owever.

Mike Berger

Ya know, just yesterday sonebody posted that very question in this newsgroup

and got a few answers. Check back a few messages and you'll see them.


"Mike Berger" bravely wrote to "All" (18 Aug 03 15:49:13)
--- on the topic of "Re: Tek 455?"

MB> From: Mike Berger <[email protected]>
MB> Ya know, just yesterday sonebody posted that very question in this
MB> newsgroup

Thanks, and apologies, my old message got resent by mistake.

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