Maker Pro
Maker Pro

TeK 454 Scope Repair?

I Have an old scope and was wondering if any of you guys could help me out!

The scope does have power and lights but the crt seems to be dark. I went ahead and popped the covers off the old girl. To my surprise I found some bad wire on the power cord.

I have been trying to figure out how to take this girl apart but man this unit is packed like a sardine can.

I want to repair the power cord first but cannot gain access to it for that repair.

Here are a few snaps on my website...

No b/s just plain old jpegs... Anyway thanks for your time!

Oh... Nice site with some very helpful posts!

Ah yes.... the good-old rubber insulated power cord! Don't ya just love 'em?
Needless to say, that's gotta go!
These are a good 'scope though, I used one for many years.

In case you need it, I think the service manual can be downloaded from the Boat-anchor Archive... Google should find it.

Never worked on this model myself though. I'd be tempted to permanently mount an IEC power connector on the little blue plate when you *do* get it all apart - that should make life easier!

Have fun!:)
There's no need to replace what's there with the IEC socket unless you really want to. A new power cord is easy to put in -- those plastic cord clamps can be removed from the sheet metal with a pair of pliers. Go to your local electrical supply store and get some good grade rubber insulated power cord with wires of the same size. Get a plug that you can attach at the same time and you'll be good to go.