Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tek 2235 Power Supply Revisited

You already did the diagnosis and troubleshooting, ....saving me a lot of my own looking, if I see similar symptoms.
Good luck with the scope when you get the part.
Hooray, the part came in and 20 minutes later the scope is up and running.
After reviewing all I had to do came to the conclusion the guy who tried to repair the scope knew nothing about and never read the manual before. One of the things he did was to connect the floating ground to the chassis and the results was grief!

The scope calibration looks fairly close but can't really tell not having a TMG yet but that's next. There are a few 184's around but having worked on those I tell you the 7828 Nuvistors are extremely hard to find if some are needed and the TMG uses 6 of them.

Thanks guys for all your inputs. :):):D
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