I have a Technics SA-5760 that I bought new in 1977. It has served me well all these years but a few years ago I started getting crackling/hissing and popping out of one channel. I installed a fuse inline to my Klipsch speakers so as not to harm them. This symptom comes and goes and when it does it blows the fuse, (2 amp fast blow). When it happens, I turn the volume down all the way and you can still hear hissing from the speakers. I must turn it off and back on to get it to stop and then it may do it again right a way or wait two or three songs before doing it again. I have had it in factory repair and other repair shops 4 times and no one can get it to act up in there shop but it does just a few moments after I have it back home. I would love to get this unit fixed, weather I do it or find someone to do it. HOW THE HECK DO WE FIND OUT WHAT IS WRONG when it won't do it in the servicers shop??? I'm not giving up on this. Does anyone know of a good servicer in the Dallas or Oklahoma City areas?
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