Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Technician Wages



Now that is just too. too funny!!!!  :)


of course its funny that someone used a wrong word to express himself
in a foreign language...

I am sure that anything you would try to express in french would be
much more funny...
but for that to be you would have to just try to learn it...but i am
sure it something you dont have the ability to do....


The Ontario Human rights Commission lately has provided a lot of laughs

Just like the photo of you showing off in tight pants on you byke ;-)

I brive a dus

Your comment really didn't deserve a comment but I could not resist.

It is not a wonder why there is so much controversy in this newsgroup.

SPELLING was not your strongest course in elementary school was it?? <

I thought I had territorial exclusivity as the newsgroup spelling cop.

I brive a dus

I've seen former dealers go after their old accounts later after they left
but never go bye bye when the dealers leave <

And I have seen active Monkey dealers flip accounts over to another
company at the end of 3 years, only to use a 3rd company to dump them
back into the Monkster.
It started with American Security in Stamford, CT then on to Patriot
Security, who later became Sentry 2000. From Sentry 2000 they jumped
to SOS Security (An ADT dealer), back to Monkey through PAB/ProLine/
Many of them have returned to ADT through First Detection and through
RS&I agents.
Ask the old man about the trail we found when I was servicing for you
guys. We're talking blocks of account numbers.
Heck you had a dealer on Long Island who sold the same family 4 or 5
times over the years.
If grand scale account flips didn't take place then Monk would have no
reason to have the receiver and account numbers burned into the
panels, would they?
The other part of this is the 100+ dealers leaving at once and it's a big
worry by Brinks, again that won't happen nor is it a worry. Dealers do come
and go but not in droves<

I never said that their hundred plus dealers would leave at once, nor
do I believe it will ever happen.
Even if it did happen Brinks wouldn't collapse, but that doesn't mean
they're not flipping accounts back and forth.
Dealers do come and go in droves, Mark. For the love of GOD will you
please visit the sales department and ask a few questions before
making statements like this? Dealers go where the money is. When a
program reduces multiples, dealers leave. When a program raises
multiples, dealers sign up. Dealers have about as much loyalty to the
program as the program has to the dealer.
Drink more kool-aid Tom <

He's not wrong on that one particular commercial, Mark. I know this
for fact, but posting the sources of information is something that I'm
not going to do. You can choose to accept it, or you can maintain your
belief that I'm wrong. Jim is posting a wild guess and it just so
happens his guess is correct.
Do you suddenly have first hand information on this topic or are you
Have some more chocolate pudding, but don't spill it on your sneakers
or trash bag.


ABLE_1 said:
Your comment really didn't deserve a comment but I could not resist.

It is not a wonder why there is so much controversy in this newsgroup.

SPELLING was not your strongest course in elementary school was it??

Spelling in french was pretty good, in english..nah!


Mark Leuck said:
Forgive Peter, he's french

I am not French, But my first language is french.. but thats a concept
pretty difficult to grasp for someone in the USA


Thats close enough to being French to me

exactly what i was saying... a concept to hard to understand for you...

you must have inhaled too much CO when biking behind those cute hummer...