Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Teac A-1500 Reel to Reel Problem (s)

Hello All,
Two problems with this tape deck and would appreciate any and all

I replaced the capstan drive belt (exact replacement) and the play
speed now is a little too fast on both speeds 7 1/2ips and 3 3/4 ips.
Is there any adjustment I could make?

There is also a rustling sound on one channel (like a lightening storm
on an am radio) intermittently. This occurs on all amplifiers that I
hook up to, so I know it is in the desk. Any suggestions on where or
what component to check?

Thanks, Mike

Ken Weitzel

Hello All,
Two problems with this tape deck and would appreciate any and all

I replaced the capstan drive belt (exact replacement) and the play
speed now is a little too fast on both speeds 7 1/2ips and 3 3/4 ips.
Is there any adjustment I could make?

There is also a rustling sound on one channel (like a lightening storm
on an am radio) intermittently. This occurs on all amplifiers that I
hook up to, so I know it is in the desk. Any suggestions on where or
what component to check?

Thanks, Mike


For the speed problem - while changing the belt did
you clean off the pulleys thoroughly? Takes very
little build up of old rubber to change the "gear
ratio". Use a little isopropyl alcohol on a q tip.
Let it dry completely before you put the belt back.

The rustling sound could be a noisy resistor?
Seeing it's intermittent, the good old tap test
should find it.

Take care.


Mark D. Zacharias

Ken Weitzel said:

For the speed problem - while changing the belt did
you clean off the pulleys thoroughly? Takes very
little build up of old rubber to change the "gear
ratio". Use a little isopropyl alcohol on a q tip.
Let it dry completely before you put the belt back.

The rustling sound could be a noisy resistor?
Seeing it's intermittent, the good old tap test
should find it.

Take care.


Also regarding the speed problem. The motor pulley has two positions - one
for 60 hz and one for 50 hz. The smaller one is the one you want if you're
in the U.S.

The other problem may be tougher. Sounds like maybe a bad transistor or
coupling capacitor. This is usually found using a service manual and a
'scope. Sometimes a can of freeze-spray helps to find the culprit.

Mark Z.


Hello All, Two problems with this tape deck and would appreciate any and all
suggestions I replaced the capstan drive belt (exact replacement) and the play speed now is a little too fast on both speeds 7 1/2ips and 3 3/4 ips.
Is there any adjustment I could make?

check capstan sleeve if fitted, and 50-60hz motor pulleys as someone
else here posted.
There is also a rustling sound on one channel (like a lightening storm
on an am radio) intermittently. This occurs on all amplifiers that I
hook up to, so I know it is in the desk. Any suggestions on where or
what component to check?

record-playback slider switches or relays probably need cleaning with
spray cleaner.

Does the deck record OK without this interference? play the tape on a
different deck to see.

Capacitors in the audio amp stages seem a likely culprit.
Also: Cables from heads to board have given me this exact problem in
the past (often on Tandbergs). Check soldering where head leads join
the board.and re-solder if need be , but be *Very* careful when
soldeirng on the head itsef, use a very low wattage iron if you
absolutely have to.

post your findings here!
good luck ,


your old belt would be streched or lose
can make it play slower, and when you
replaced it, it made it play normal again.

for the other problem.
i had the same faults in 2 of 4 chanals of
my akai GX630D-SS, i found some bad
transistors in the preamp stage, i replaced
them with BC547-557 type, also check
the small cupling caps around these


b said:
the play speed now is a little too fast on both speeds 7 1/2ips and 3 3/4