Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hello, i need some help with TDA1554 amplifier circuit. It seems like i connected everything right but the circuit doesn't work. My bets are that i'm trying to make this circuit on a breadboard that's why it doesn't work. But I also think that i connected the top part of the circuit incorectlly. I connected those 2 capacitors in parallel and then connected the 12V and the paralleld + side of capacitors to the rest. If somebody could help me with this circuit i would be very thankful. Here's the circuit image. P.S If needed i can take pictures of the circuit.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
When you say "it doesn't work", what do you mean exactly?

No sound, smoke, poor sound, hum, etc.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Start by measuring the voltages at all pins of the TDA1554 relative to GND. Post the list here. It's probably something simple and obvious.

Edit: When you measure the pins, be very careful not to put pressure on the probe in such a way that it could slip off the pin and jam itself between two pins, shorting them together. Another idea is to hold the probe near the sharp end and rest your hand on the breadboard, so you have very accurate control of the probe's position.

Also you should upload a photo of your breadboard layout. Breadboard is not really appropriate for a device like this. The pins are too wide to fit into the holes, and you have to stagger them between two rows.
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I can't measure the voltages today but i took a pic.

the pic isnt really close up enough and sharp enought for us to clearly see and check your wiring
do a couple more pics closer up and very sharp so we can see where you have wires going

So, sorry for abandoning this thread but I soldered the circuit on to a perfboard and I got another problem. First one is a really loud buzzing sound but that sound dissapears when you move the circuit around (I didn't see any loose contacts). Second problem is the speaker plays the melody but the vocals have kind of like hall effect and the vocals are silent but once again when I move around the circuit around it again seems to be playing better. My guess is a loose contact but I can't see where. Though as I'm not the best at soldering it's a pretty darn mess. I'l give you a few pictures.


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There is a technical term got your soldering.

"Dog's breakfast"

Seriously, learn to solder. Then tackle this again.

Wiring this up with solid core wire like that is inviting disaster. You could have shorts, poor connections, or no connection, and it would be really hard to find.

Honestly, there's not even a single good soldered joint, you've heated the wires enough to damage the insulation, and you've stripped them too far. Also, you're doing point to point wiring where you *could* run wires as jumpers on the other side of the board.

Connections like you're doing can be done with wire wrap wire (I should post a photo of something I've done) but the wires don't stick up in the air where they can be bent and shorted out.



I have heard of dead bug wiring before but this is ridiculous

see pics 4 and 5 .... looks like a grasshopper



Sadly passed away in 2015
A common cause of vocals being very quiet but having a "hall effect" is a broken ground on a stereo signal.

Vocals are normally mixed dead centre of the stereo image, with reverb applied. This means that if you listen to the DIFFERENCE between the left and right signals, the main vocal cancels itself out, and you're left with just the reverberation.

This can happen if the earth wire is broken, if the plug is not inserted properly, or if you have wired to the wrong pins of the plug.


HI ... sorry rawriano, if we sounded a little harsh
is that really a dead bug at one end of the board ?

Steve's comments are correct tho ... you need to get some serious soldering practice
so many home made projects because of poor soldering.

have a look at some online videos on how to solder ... it really is an art and a skill that once mastered will serve you well for many years
learn about different types of solder ... rosin cored will be the one you are most interested in and one being 60/40 lead/tin.
learn about the correct heat to use with the soldering iron and how to apply the solder and the iron tip to your connection point at the same time :)

Even vero board --- the one with strips of copper and holes would have been a better choice than what you used and it would have made construction easier, the need for less wires going all over the place.



Here's a PCB layout just in case you dont have one .....




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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You can make thinks with matrix board, but you need to be able to do it a little more neatly.

And mostly with better soldering technique.

Here are some photos of a prototype I quickly knocked up using construction similar to yours.

My construction isn't perfect, but you can see there is less chance of shorts and the solder joints look a lot nicer.

One big trick is to use the correct wire. I have used wire wrap wire which is very thin, silver plated wire that is VERY easy to solder. The wires are placed flat against the board which makes them more rugged.

And for everyone else looking, yes it's a phenolic board and it's rubbish. But it's what I had.


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You see, I could get this wire and maybe better soldering constructions but I can't. I live in Lithuania in a really rural area. And the closest electronics shop is 34 kilometers. And in that shop they don't have many types of resistors and the resistors are overpriced. Also do you guys use some kind of special small solder tips?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The soldering iron I used for this has a 2mm wide tip.

You're using what appears to be telephone (or maybe network) cable. if you only strip very short length and tin it, you will have better luck.

The other important thing is the solder. I was using 0.7mm solder, which I find to be about right for through-hole work.

You can probably get wire wrap wire from ebay pretty cheaply.

A dedicated stripper for this wire is a bit expensive, but worth it if you use it a lot. (I use a wire wrap tool)