Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tape deck power issue


I have no real electronics experience, but recently changed the belts on an Aiwa 450F tape deck. It seemed relatively straight forward, but now there is no power when i turn on.

What could i have done and how do i fix it please?
I would suggest taking it a part again to re-trace your steps.
Check connectors orientation and that they are seated correctly.
This is obviously no coincidence.

Hi I dont have a meter to check sorry. I have also taken the main internal cassette player section out which holds the belts and replaced, plus checked all connectors orientation - all seems fine. Could I have damaged the mother board somehow? Maybe frazzled it somehow?
Highly unlikely the board got damaged.
Possibly a wire or connection broke while taking it apart.
Unfortunately, you will need a multimeter or some kind of continuity tester to check.
