Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Surge Protectors




I'm going to purchase some surge protectors for my TV's and stuff.

I was wondering if I have a DVR that my coax connect to and the DVR
connect to my TV, can a power surge zap my TV?

My reason for the question is because I want to know if I should
bother with a surge protector with the Coax connectors or not.

Any help would be appreciated.

Jasen Betts


I'm going to purchase some surge protectors for my TV's and stuff.

I was wondering if I have a DVR that my coax connect to and the DVR
connect to my TV, can a power surge zap my TV?

a power surge will not pass through the antenna cable,
but a lightning strike could.
My reason for the question is because I want to know if I should
bother with a surge protector with the Coax connectors or not.

Do you get many electric storms where you are?