Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Surely we can make something like this for $5 right?

No need for bluetooth or smartphones, but surely it would not be too expensive to put something together that sends out an RF signal in response to another RF trigger, and then have the handheld "meter" simply indicate signal strength through 3 to 5 LEDs right?

(This thing costs $20 per year, per tile, or something like that).
not only is it doable, but it has been done. just not for the price you suggested. do a ebay search for child locators. you don't want to reinvent the wheel, you just don't want to pay service charges either. i just looked and saw that there are some with led's and some with LCD's. if you're dead set on building one may i suggest you look into the securakey electronics before you start. they do no require any external power, relying on inductive coupling with the receiver. food for thought.
not a problem. granted these are not quite as complex as the item described in the video. most have range limitations. there are other alternatives but they are more complex and pricey. such as there are single module gps locators, and of course the xbee radios that brag up to a 5 mile range with serial capabilities. but for finding keys and small stuff local i would check the child locators like i said before.
I also checked out the Xbee. Also interesting!

what frequencies do these things use? are these allocated to general civilian usage, etc?