Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Supplier of 44-way 2.0mm pitch IDC Ribbon Mounted connector in UK


Adrian C

As subject, type of connector used with Laptop 2.5-inch hard drives

I need the _male_ connector that will properly mate with a female
socket. Not a pin header designed for soldering to a PCB - those pins
are two thin!

Anyone know anywhere these can be purchased in the UK, or shipped to
relatively cheaply?

Tried RS, Rapid, CPC & Farnell....

Mike Harrison

As subject, type of connector used with Laptop 2.5-inch hard drives

I need the _male_ connector that will properly mate with a female
socket. Not a pin header designed for soldering to a PCB - those pins
are two thin!

Anyone know anywhere these can be purchased in the UK, or shipped to
relatively cheaply?

Tried RS, Rapid, CPC & Farnell.... do a range of 2mm cons but I don't think I've ever seen a male cable mount in 2mm -
they're not that common in 0.1" and doubt they even exist for 2mm
If you really need one you may need to use a female one with a back-to-back male pin-header between
them ( remember this will twist the pin order) .

Adrian C

Mike said: do a range of 2mm cons but I don't think I've ever seen a male cable mount in 2mm -
they're not that common in 0.1" and doubt they even exist for 2mm

Yep, you are right thinking about it - 0.1" wasn't around that much.
If you really need one you may need to use a female one with a back-to-back male pin-header between

Looks like the solution. :)

( remember this will twist the pin order) .

Thanks. I am going to have to check that - I came across a similar thing
wiring 25-way 'D' Type connectors yonks ago!

Adrian C

Hal said:
You can "fix" that by adding a short chunk of cable and another
male-male adapter.

Ended up using a IDC cable mounted pin header soldering it to the
/reverse/ side of the PCB after removing the existing board mounted
44way socket connector.

Good call Mike, about the pin order twist - I could have just gone in
gung ho and come out with a fried 120GB laptop hard drive.