Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Suggestions for a PIC for a one time project.



I have a project I would like to build, and this would be for me a first
time PIC controller project.

I am looking for a PIC to do the following:

1. Address 17 parallel binary weighted bits (need at least 17 I/O's in
addition to inputs from (2) below and outputs for LCD (3) below.
2. Have a keypad or rotary encoder to select combinations of the above bits.
3. An LCD display of a frequency generated by the PLL device attached to
it per instructions below in (4).
4. Be able to enter a frequency such as 2300.6375 MHz, and do the math
to subtract an IF frequency and divide the resultant frequency by some
multiplier to address the parallel bits.

The PIC should be available with an evaluation board containing an LCD
display a keypad or rotary encoder. I do not want to have to design a
circuit board for a one time project.

For background, I have a Scientific Atlanta synthesizer that is designed
to generate a frequency in the range of 100.2x to 110.7x MHz to phase
lock a microwave brick oscillator used for a C band satellite up and
downconvertor. The unit has an external BCD switch which is designed to
display 3200.XX to 4200.XX MHz and I wish to re purpose it for a
different frequency band.

Any recommendations?

Joe Leikhim K4SAT

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

"Follow The Money" ;-P


Mook said:
Take a look at the DSPIC30F6014 and its eval board.
Use the ICD2 and MPLAB with C compiler and you have a relatively straight
forward job.

Thanks; It has a great looking display. No keypad or shaft encoder
though, I hope I can figure out what I need to interface those.

Joe Leikhim K4SAT

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

"Follow The Money" ;-P