Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Strange voltage reading from AC adapter

I am currrently trying to solve a no charge problem on my samsung np-n 310 netbook. I am almost sure it is the cable.

So i took out the 50 year old voltometer and lo and behold, the current is flickering at around 20 volts where it should be.

But the issue i think is the flicker, the needle keeps pulsing in a heartbeat rythm from 20-23 or so every two seconds or so.

THEN I switch the meter to read AC just for the hell of it and it reads just a few volts lower, but in AC!!!

so my theory is that the power brick is bad and allowing 20 volts through at all times, more or less, somewhat failing to keep the voltage steady and somehow producing AC at the same time and due to all these irregularities my computer battery not allowing itself to charge???

Anyone have an opinion???

This would be really good news for me by the way. A new brick is 3 dollars + shipping
Is this adapter an 'ac' adapter or a 'dc' adapter? An ac adapter puts out ac and that is rectified in the computer. A dc adapter puts out dc and has the rectifying circuit in the adapter. Sounds like you have a dc adapter with a bad filter cap or shorted diode. If it is a switching type adapter, don't fool with it. Buy a new one and make sure the current rating is high enough. Ed.


Sadly passed away in 2015
Some people call all adapters "AC" adapters, whether their outputs are AC or DC, because the mains wall power is AC. I don't think there's a consensus on the right name for them.

This is a 19V DC adapter for a laptop. We don't know whether the problem is in the power supply or the laptop. It's not a faulty diode in the adapter because the output voltage is present.
Thanks for the input everyone, the adapter is one that puts out DC sorry if I was unclear. I ordered a new brick for less than ten bucks and it works fine, so i guess it was a failing capacitor in the old brick as i suspected causing the pulsing .