Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Starteling discovery: Antec 1200 filters block probably 70% to 90% of airflow.


Skybuck Flying


I am now mailing from my Windows 7 installation !!!!!!

It's rocking the craddle ! ;) =D

This is my very first newsgroup message with it ! ;) =D

I've been playing Limpbitzkit music a lot, rocking it ! LOL.

Anyway I just wanted to write that something marvelous has happened:

"The broken led" has come back online !

It's now shining again how about that eh ?! ;) =D

Maybe there was some dust in it or maybe some weird electrical shit... had
that before...


Expression Studio/Web 4.0 installed (previously known as frontpage) so I am
now ready to make my own new fourth build website showing lot's of pictures
and maybe even crappy movies ! ;) =D

I still have to contact electrical people to come check my living room's
wall power sockets but I will do that later after I cleaned up my house a
little bit and after I made my website me thinks ! ;) =D


John S


I am now mailing from my Windows 7 installation !!!!!!

It's rocking the craddle ! ;) =D

This is my very first newsgroup message with it ! ;) =D

I've been playing Limpbitzkit music a lot, rocking it ! LOL.

Anyway I just wanted to write that something marvelous has happened:

"The broken led" has come back online !

It's now shining again how about that eh ?! ;) =D

Maybe there was some dust in it or maybe some weird electrical shit...
had that before...


Expression Studio/Web 4.0 installed (previously known as frontpage) so I
am now ready to make my own new fourth build website showing lot's of
pictures and maybe even crappy movies ! ;) =D

I still have to contact electrical people to come check my living room's
wall power sockets but I will do that later after I cleaned up my house
a little bit and after I made my website me thinks ! ;) =D


Before you do anything else, post a picture of your filters, fans, pc,
room, house, face, etc.