Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sound Activated Dimmer Light


Fast Lane

My daughter has again asked for my assistance in one of her projects.
Unfortunately I have no clue. Have had no luck finding any on-line
resources. Mainly cause I'm not really sure what I'm looking for.

Here's the deal. We need to put together a device that will activate a light
when sound is detected. The sound will be a direct audio input. Here's the
kicker.... The light needs to be of the dimmer variety. Which means, low
sound levels yields a dim light, while higher audio levels yields a brighter

If you have any ideas on what kind of components I need, or point me in the
right direction for internet research I would be most grateful...


Brian & Kelly

Fast Lane

No, it's not for a class. This is just something she wants to do on her own.
Much like her recent "laser guided earthquake detector" fiasco.

This light project seems much more feasible.

Thanks again

Fast Lane

thanks for the tip. This looks to be what we need. Thanks again

-Brian & Kelly