Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony TV KV-27V20 Has No Video Output, But Audio OK, Please Help



Hello all,
7 year old 27" Sony Trinitron TV Model # KV-27V20 died yesterday. TV
powers up, audio is fine, but no picture, completely blank. Checked
voltage at pcb on the back of the tube, test point is printed 200V, is
110VDC. It also has a test point of 1000V, but no voltage present. No
voltage on the E CRT or Heater test points. On the front, the Stand By /
Stereo LED is flashing. There are 9V test points and they are only
6.9VDC. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Do a Google groups search for you answer. Has been addressed here many
" Sony AKB" "Sony Video Blanking" "Sony no picture" Should all bring up lots
of information.
Could be anything from a loss of good clock and data, bad crt causing AKB
blanking, loss of vertical or horizontal return pulse back to the system
control, as well as the other less common in Sony usual loss of video

You might want to start by posting some more basic troubleshooting
information. Is OSD ok? Does the audio go up and down? Do you hear the
vertical running in the yoke? What happens when you slowly turn up the G2
voltage to the tube.
