Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony Flatsrceen Problem! kv24fv12


Tim Marcus

Hi- this television when turned on cycles through all of the colors
very brightly and then shuts itself off after about 10 seconds. I have
already searched for open resistors on the CRT board, and replaced the
suspect IC702 TDA6108JF chip. However, the problem persists and is
driving me nuts. Does this have anything to do with the jungle IC? Did
I miss something on the CRT board? Did I get sent a defective IC702?
Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks- Tim

Jerry Greenberg

Check that the degausing coil is not on all the time, and that the
power supply is working correctly!

If the degausser is working all the time, the termo resistor may be
defective, or the control circuitry for it has some type of failure.

Jerry Greenberg