Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony EV-5500 8MM VCR RF Tuner Fault


JR North

The tuner selects ok, but the RF video out on all channels 'phases'
from clear picture to garbled and back to clear every 1 sec. Audio is
fine. The rest of the VCR operates perfectly. I got it off Ebay a while
ago, but don't recall if I initially hooked it up to cable or not, so
not exactly sure if it came this way. I can probably fix it if this is a
repairable fault, but unlikely to find a replacement tuner.
Thoughts on where to start?

Janet Gelb

JR said:
I can probably fix it if this is a repairable fault, but unlikely to find a replacement tuner.

think again bub. They won't sell you a replacement tuner, they want to
sell you more of their shit that breaks.
Thoughts on where to start?

Take it to the nearest trash bin and leaving it there.

JR North

I could have sworn my post WAS in English....

Janet said:
think again bub. They won't sell you a replacement tuner, they want to
sell you more of their shit that breaks.

Take it to the nearest trash bin and leaving it there.

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