Maker Pro
Maker Pro

SONY BVM 2015 Broadcast Video Monitor



I have this Sony BVM 2015 monitor with no high voltage.
Preliminary checks done did not reveal anything obvious, HOT is OK, flyback
rings good etc.
Does anyone have any experience on this one and could give me some


Jerry G.

I have not worked on that particular model, but others that are a bit

Are your sure that the power supply is working properly at all its outputs?
Did you check to see that the scan gen is working? Is there 100 ms of
kick-start pulses coming to the horiz output transistor base when the power
is first turned on? Did you do an ESR test on all the caps in the horiz
output section, and power supply?

If the CRT has a defect where it is pulling too much current, or the HV
multiplier is not working correctly, or the HV sense is out of the normal
window of operating current, or if there is a condition where there may be
some X-Ray emission, the protection will come on, thus not allowing a full
start-up. In these cases, there should be a kick-start for about 100 ms,
then the shut down will occur. This does not rule out any number of
combinations of failures.

It is possible that the flyback is defective. The output trans and flyback
should be changed together at the same time to verify. I have had a
defective flyback also cause what you have.


Jerry G.

I have this Sony BVM 2015 monitor with no high voltage.
Preliminary checks done did not reveal anything obvious, HOT is OK, flyback
rings good etc.
Does anyone have any experience on this one and could give me some


Martin D. Bartsch

Are your sure that the power supply is working properly at all its outputs?

Concerning the power supply. Keep care of fuses which don't look like
ordinary fuses. I had this with several PVM-1444


SONY BVM 2015 Broadcast Video Monitor
Normaly, you have to change at first the electrolyticcapacitors at the
powersupply, the highvoltage-, the vertical- and the horicontalboards.
The BVM-2015 is over 10 years old the electrolyticcapacitors are
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