Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony Bravia KDL-50W685A uniform lines on screen.

Sorry if in wrong section.!
I just need some advice from people with more knowledge than me......
The TV works fine, good colour, sound and all functions work.
It just has these dark thin lines covering the screen.
They are spaced about 7mm apart from top to bottom horizontaly even showing through menu text etc.
What makes me think it may be the board at fault rather than the panel is because the lines are so uniform.
I can replace the main board fairly cheaply with some effort, but would I be wasting my time?
If anyone can give me a definitive answer to whether the board or the panel has gone, if its the panel its heading for the dump :-(



Can you post a picture of the screen?
I have seen that there are bright lines over the screen, but no dark lines.

Hi Bertus, I dont use the tuner, I havent watched TV for a decade, I use an external android box and watch youtube and use google etc.
The screenshot is the inbuilt software I do not use, i used that image to get a clear view of the lines, the lines are there with any input, even when there is no signal fuzz image on the tuner section.
The drivers are up to date for the TV software.
Here is an image of bigclivedotcom making a babybel lamp lol, you can see the lines overlaying the image. :)


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Do the dark lines also show when you use an other source as input?
I assume there are more inputs.

Yes they are there all the time, even through the OSD.
I can buy a mainboard+inverter+button and ir kit plus all the leads for 50 inc post.
Im new to installing electronics work, but work on watches so am methodical.
Im trying to save the hours of work and fifty quid if I can, but have not seen this issue anywhere else online or youtube etc.
Also I noticed there is a quiet squeek or bleep coming from the back of the tv on power up, I never recall this happening before the lines appeared.
Yesterday I disassembled the set and cleaned all the lead contacts etc and put it back together, same lines no change. :-(
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It looks like an electronic problem.
It is not a problem of the backlights, that would give broader dark bars and possibly not that regular.
Is there a schematic available?

I have searched and can only find a simple service manual for this model but it is mostly text with no diagrams etc.

Searching I downloaded a pdf full english service manual for a different but similarly built model.

looking through the flow diagrams it seems the issue is the mainboard as I hoped, I guessed due to the lines being so uniform it wasnt the issue of the panel lead connections which usualy cause erratic and non uniform issues.
Well I am going to just buy the parts I mentioned above and give it a go.
I will update once I have tried this, Thanks for your help.
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If anyone can give me a definitive answer to whether the board or the panel has gone,

with my long experience replacing LCD panels on other types of equip.
I initially suspected the LCD panel on your TV. The flow chart that Bertus has provided tends to back that suspicion up
I did study the flow chart and to me it seemed to point toward the main board as distorsion is across entire screen and uniform.
But the fact it states"ANY horizontal lines"
Anyway I bought the replacement mainboard, and all peripherals, fitted them and no difference.
The damn pin sharp uniform lines are still covering the screen :-(

Well atleast I learnt how to disasemble and reasemble a large screen TV, I did it a few times and interchanged parts.
Everything and all the spares I now have work fine apart from the screen, If I have a few drinks to drown my sorrows and squint, the lines are barely visible.
Thanks all for your input & I hope someone with a similar issue finds this and learns the easier way.
Thanks Chris.


Anyway I bought the replacement mainboard, and all peripherals, fitted them and no difference.
The damn pin sharp uniform lines are still covering the screen :-(

Said it was the screen ;) .... you should have followed those 3 dropdown choices, they all pointed to the screen ;) :)
I ordered the parts on Sarurday evening.
They arrived today (wednesday).
I fitted them, issue the same.
So relisted them and sold them in 25 minutes.
lost £5 taking the risk to find out for sure as I had not read your reply, so all is good and I have learnt a bit about tech!