Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sony 32in KV32?? I think


Jean-Pierre Dube

I have a 32 in Sony TV that works fine for 15 to 20 minutes then shuts off.

Turning it on again, it runs for another 5 minutes then turns off.

Hate to see this TV go to the dump but I'm told it is not worth fixing.

Any ideas.



Jean .
Its most probably a cold solder joint
remove back pull out chassis turn upside
down and inspect the soldering with a mag
glass and resolder anything looking suspious.


James Sweet

Jean-Pierre Dube said:
I have a 32 in Sony TV that works fine for 15 to 20 minutes then shuts off.

Turning it on again, it runs for another 5 minutes then turns off.

Hate to see this TV go to the dump but I'm told it is not worth fixing.

Any ideas.


Who told you it's not worth fixing? If you were near me I'd give you $50 for
it. Take it to a shop, I bet they can fix it for $150 or less, 32" Sony is a
nice set.


Jean-Pierre Dube:
Obviously it isn't going to fix itself or more accurately..... with the
amazing lack of basic information in your post, technical observations,
including no model number, it is most likely NOT going to be fixed by you.
At the very least you should take it to a repair shop for a repair cost
estimate so you can make an intelligent repair decision with facts instead
of wild guesses.