Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solenoid Specification Forces


I am working on an electronics project which requires a linear solenoid to push (or pull) a lever with approximately 10mm stroke. The lever requires a force of 20N to be moved. I have seen several open frame DC solenoids online with a stroke of 10mm and a labeled force of 20N. I am assuming that this is the holding force opposed to the force it applies to pull in the plunger from maximum stroke of 10mm. Does anyone have any idea of how much the force decreases at the end of the stroke? or point me in the direction of a solenoid that would suit my needs?

Many thanks,
This calculator may be of some use for an estimate of the force, but factors such as the plunger shape also play a part.
Have you considered using a linear actuator instead?
10mm is a little short to use a linear actuator.
If you need both push/pull I would consider a double ended solenoid with two coils.
How is the solenoid returned on the present one?