Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sole Path ???


Bob La Londe

I received a phone call and an e-mail the other day from one of the reps for
Telular. He was all excited that they have a communicator suitable for sole
communication for commercial fire. I listened to him and read some of the
info he e-mailed to me and it just doesn't add up.

It looks like a GSM communicator sending two signals instead of one. Big
whoop. Its still a single communication path. Now if it incorporated a GSM
and a CDMA communicator with a trouble output if either fails to test I
might buy into it, but it sure doesn't look that way when giving it the
quick once over. Instead they seem to indicate the the NFPA standard was

Really? All these years that we have been required to provide two
communication paths, and now NFPA says we only need one? Is this true?
What am I missing?

Esplain it to me Rucy.

Bob La Londe

Russell Brill said:

The TG-7FS is polled by the Telular Comm center servers every couple of
minutes.. If it fails to check-in for more than 5 minutes a communications
trouble will be sent to the central station... The TG-7FS has far more
supervision than a standard phone line(s)....


Interesting. However, just a couple days ago I replaced a TG-7 (not fire).
It was checking in just like it was supposed to, but the panel was showing a
line fail. The unit was failing to connect to the panel or recognize the
signals or call attempts from the panel. Ping the unit from the on-line
interface with Telular got a response and no troubles showed, but it would
not communicate signals from the panel. In this case the supervision would
have failed where I not the paranoid sort that always programs the panel to
send its own autotests and monitor the line. It got an Uplink 2550 in its
place because that is what I had in the truck. Wish I had kept the unit to
play with, but the customer asked for it. I think they plan to play with
the SIM card.

Sorry, unless they can show the TG-7FS is an inherently superior
communicator rather than just a differently packaged (red metal can or
whatever) and priced (to cover their product liability insurance) unit then
I'm not going to recommend sole path. I do very much like cellular as
secondary or even primary for fire, and I wouldn't have a problem with
installing two separate units using two different carriers.

Robert (Bob) J La Londe III

The Security Consultant
P.O. Box 5720
Yuma, Az 85366

Licensed Communications Contractor
Serving Yuma Since 1994
Commercial & Residential
ROC103044 & ROC103047

(928) 782-9765 Voice
(928) 782-7873 Fax