Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Solar and Ambient energy conversion

In 2003 someone called Jack asked about a self powered heat pump. Currently perpetual motion is not feasible with our current knowledge of physics. I do however hold the UK patent for a self powered heat pump using absorption of solar and ambient thermal energy. The second law can not be overcome and this design relies upon external solar and ambient energy sources and the conservation of energy. See Greenhouse Heat Recovery United Kingdom Patent No 2455773. There is plenty of energy held within our atmosphere. Regards to all. Hugh


Currently perpetual motion is not feasible with our current knowledge of physics

currently ??

It never will be
not sure if you are spamming or what ?
I deleted your other pointless post



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The problem is that you started a new thread.

If you want to reply to an existing thread you should use the "reply" button not the "post new thread" button.

If you're talking about this, then it is a copy of a newsgroup thread, and these are read-only.
Dave, I was not aware that I had made another post and I am certainly no spammer. Anyway thanks for deleting it. Who knows what new physics will turn up (CERN etc) and I think that you will agree that perpetual motion is a term that really should be scrapped.
Best regards


I think that you will agree that perpetual motion is a term that really should be scrapped.

in scientific circles it has never been considered
its only the crackpots and fringe element that persist in trying to prove it correct