Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Soft Start for a AC 240 plug unit.

Hello members. I am a new member to your forum.

In the summer the house is hot, and we run a 240 AC air Condition Unit. Type: thru - the - wall UNIT. The house has a 11KV generator, with auto start when power goes out. We turn off loads, that are not necessary during power outages.

But the inrush current to the Air Condition unit is to much for the propane running generator. So I thinking a soft start connected to the end of the Air Condition unit. This would make my wife happy, and me happy, so I don't have to buy a bigger gen-set. Any suggestion would welcome. If I am S.O.L that okay to. Thank you for your time.
Have you consulted the manufacturer of your AC unit? They may have a tailor made solution to suit your needs.
Also the local AC repair guys or local electrician may have something.