Maker Pro
Maker Pro

So I broke...

Ok guys, I finally broke down and got one, a microcontroller/SBC.

I know what I darn well said about rather not using one but as it was pointed out to me several times you got to at least try to play the game.

*For those of you that know what I'm talking about*
"I LOST the Game!"

But onto more serious matters I broke down and got the onion omega2+ and a power dock2 to power it up. So after I flash the firmware, add a decent size microSD and download python on to it...

Can any one recommend some good starter projects for me as this is my first microcontroller/SBC so figure I better start small before trying to flash some janckety version of magic mirror to it to run a smart mirror.
That is not a microcontroller, it is a very small Linux based computer. Like a Raspberry PI, it is severe overkill for things that can be controlled by a microcontroller.

So, it depends on what you intend to do. If you want something that has network connectivity and can program in Python, then you have made a reasonable choice.

What is it you want to do with it?

I was aware that it was an SBC and not a microcontroller but as you said it's like the pi in being overkill.

Main reasons I chose it was
A) Like myself it was cheap and B) Python is my go to for programming. My problem I suppose is I like to over challenge myself with something a bit more complex than blinking a darn led e.g. like flashing ICs for projects.
So l guess I'm just fishing for ideas.
WS2812B RGB LED strips are fun. You do need submicrosecond timing though, and I am not sure how good a board like that is for that. Strangely, microcontrollers, which are much slower are better for that kind of real-time operation because you can guarantee that nothing else is going on and create the exact timing by instruction counts.



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Once you get the LEDs working, get a webcam pointed at them, and wire a program which creates a web page showing the LEDs and allowing them to be controlled.

Post a link to the the page here and I'm sure one of us will play with it to change the display on the LEDs.

If you decide to provide an interface to unlock your front door, turn on and off your lights, or to display a webcam image of parts of your house, you may need to consider how you will then stop people from doing those things inappropriately.