Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Small SCRs with 1mA or less in holding current?


Fred Bartoli

Tim Williams a écrit :
Yeah, but that's another resistor and, worse yet, a zener on top of
that. S'pose you could use the kind of FET with gate protection zeners
(assuming they're rated for DC), but that's still a resistor, which puts
it on par with the BJT version..


I was of course thinking of the small ones with integrated gate zeners...

I once got caught with those, designing a resonant driving for a small
class E amplifier. The gate couldn't go bellow ground... Oops

Some gate clamped MOSFETS exist with symmetrical clamp voltage.

Tim Williams

Fred Bartoli said:
I once got caught with those, designing a resonant driving for a small
class E amplifier. The gate couldn't go bellow ground... Oops

Some gate clamped MOSFETS exist with symmetrical clamp voltage.


Hmm, most of the time I see symmetrical, or none. Also weird!



That would deplete the battery. There are periods of time where the load
draws very little and I can't have the SCR path burn off power that
whole time.

V can be up to 60V and I should be <1mA.

That sound like latching relay territory, to5 can class.



josephkk said:
That sound like latching relay territory, to5 can class.

Nah, it's done in SOT523 now. Darn, the eyes don't get better with age
but the stuff becomes smaller and smaller.