Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Slowly turning 12v garden lights on and off

Hi all,
I'm after a circuit that will turn my 12v garden lights on slowly when switched on and then turn off slowly when switched off. Can anyone help?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

(that's a not very useful answer to a very uninformative question)

What sort of lights are they? Power source? How are they switched on and off? Over what period do you want them to brighten and dim?
The lights will be 12v Garden lights, 20watt LED lamps X 4
The power source will be a 12 V Battery that will be charged by solar panel
The lights will be switched on by a light sensor and I want them to take about 5 seconds to turn on, they will be switched off by a timer and I want the lights to take about 5 seconds to turn off.
I suggest you use PWM.

That would be simple and energy efficient.

It could be done very easily with a microcontroller, (PIC, PICAXE, etc.)

Or it could be done easily in hardware.

You would need an oscillator to generate the PWM signal and a ramp signal to change the duty cycle.

I expect you could do it with two 555 ICs.