Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Slider pots

I have a vintage Tascam Porta 05 mini studio that I am trying to restore. I have repaired all the running gear (belts etc:) but I am having problems with the slider/faders on the mixer section.
It is a four track machine and there are four channel sliders and a master (five in total). Channel two doesn't seem to work and is on all the time. I take it this must be a faulty pot. The information on the side of the slider is:- 223E 50KA (photos available) it is 60mm long.
I am by no means an electronics expert but am able to solder satisfactorily.
As I cannot get spares from Tascam does anyone know where I could get a suitable replacement pot for this machine. Also would there be any points I had to be careful of whilst carrying out the work.

Thanks in anticipation.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The 50KA almost certainly means that the maximum resistance is 50kΩ and that it is a logarithmic (or audio) taper.

Everything else about the pot is likely to be related to mounting and track length etc. Just find one that fits.

You could look on rs's web site
While you're looking for replacements, you might try the spray-can contact cleaner stuff to see if you can extend the life of the sliders.