Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Single LED Flasher

Long time solderer, first time circuit-builder.

I've been messing around with an optical theremin design (555 based), and while the photoresistors are fun in general, they're at their best when driven by blinking LEDs. I've been trying to find a kit that's simply a single flashing LED with variable speed via potentiometer, but everything out there seems to be LED chasing circuits, or twin LED alternating circuits. If anyone can point me in the right direction, or offer up a schematic, that'd be fantastic. The simpler the better, and a bonus if it can be driven by 9v (so I can power it from the same supply as the rest of the contraption).

This appears to be very close to what I'm looking for. Would it still function if I only used one of the LEDs and simply didn't install the second one?