Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simulate a frequency controlled resistor in PSPICE transient simulation

Hi All,
I want to simulate a frequency controlled resistor (for example R=1+f) in the PSPICE simulation, some people suggested use GLAPLACE method and I tried that one. However that method works well in the AC sweep simulation. In transient simulation, it fails to control the value of resistor.
I attached both AC sweep and transient simulation result here. Ac sweep is followed R=1+f. In transient simulation, input source is a 100Hz sinwave, the resistor value (red line) has some really large variation value. And voltage cross the resistor has a phase shift compared with input source.
Really appreciate if anyone have any thought about that.
Thank you.Resistor_AC SWEEP.jpg Resistor_transient.jpg
Resistor_AC SWEEP.jpg Resistor_transient.jpg