Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple pulse generator circuit



I need to generate a clean pulse variable from10nS to 250nS twice
a second 2Hz. I'm sure there is a chip out there that will do this?
I have tried a 555 for the 'long' time but the rising edge is too
dirty to derive a clean narrow pulse. Any ideas or pointers greatly

Neon John

I need to generate a clean pulse variable from10nS to 250nS twice
a second 2Hz. I'm sure there is a chip out there that will do this?
I have tried a 555 for the 'long' time but the rising edge is too
dirty to derive a clean narrow pulse. Any ideas or pointers greatly

Bring your incoming signal into one terminal of an XOR gate. Pass the
same signal through a buffer or two inverters in series to the other
input of the XOR.

When the incoming signal goes high, so does the output of the XOR -
until the incoming signal propagates through the buffer(s), whereupon
the XOR output goes low again.

Choose your logic family and the number of buffers to set the width
ouf your output pulse.

IF you pass your incoming signal through a Schmitt trigger first, you
can clean up the 555 output and use it to generate the twice per
second trigger pulse.

John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
See website for email address

George Herold

I need to generate a clean pulse variable from10nS to 250nS twice
a second 2Hz. I'm sure there is a chip out there that will do this?
I have tried a 555 for the 'long' time but the rising edge is too
dirty to derive a clean narrow pulse. Any ideas or pointers greatly

Sounds like a job for a one shot.
74HC123? But maybe something else is faster?

George H.

George Herold

Sounds like a job for a one shot.
74HC123?  But maybe something else is faster?

George H.

I did quick search on digikey and it looks like the AHCT sereis is
faster. (to meet the 10ns spec.)

I should order some, Say is there a good site that discusses the
differences between the various logic families? HC, HCT, AHCT.

George H.


I need to generate a clean pulse variable from 10nS to 250nS twice

How did you get a 555 to pulse at 10 Nano-Sec ??!!

10 nS is 10 Mhz !

Ok, do you require 10 -> 250 nS in one nS steps ?

That would require a CPLD or FPGA to do that.

A CPLD with a 200 Mhz clock would be able to give you a 1nS step.

You can still use the 555 for the 2Hz part. ;-)


How did you get a 555 to pulse at 10 Nano-Sec ??!!

10 nS is 10 Mhz !

Boy, I must not be awake yet.

10 nS is 100 Mhz !!!

So two clock edges of 200 Mhz = 10 nS

Two clock edges of 2,000 Mhz = 1 nS !!!

Are you sure you want 1 nS resolution ?

If so, you will need some FAST FPGAs !!

George Herold

Looks like 50, maybe 60 ns with Cext=0.


John Larkin                  Highland Technology  jlarkin at highlandtechnology dot com

Precision electronic instrumentation
Picosecond-resolution Digital Delay and Pulse generators
Custom timing and laser controllers
Photonics and fiberoptic TTL data links
VME  analog, thermocouple, LVDT, synchro, tachometer
Multichannel arbitrary waveform generators- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Yeah, Sorry I made a mistake and was reading the wrong parameter.

I seem to remember getting 50 ns from a 74LS123 (or 221)

The double pulser with one swallowing most of the other is a nice
(I'd just forgotten about it.)

George H.


There are lots of ways to do this, but you need to give us more to go
on. (Since you were starting with a 555, I gather that this is probably
5V logic, but can't be sure.)

How is the pulse width set? A resistor? A voltage?

How is the pulse triggered?

What's the tolerance on pulse width, rep rate, and jitter?

What output voltage and current do you need?

What's the load?

What are the limits on rise and fall time?

How much overshoot can you stand?


Phil Hobbs
And what are you using to measure the result to see how it conforms
to all of the above?

This smells like one of those projects that starts out with a vague
concept that gets tweaked into a nightmare scenario.

Last time I saw anything with a billion-to-one ratio, it ended up
as a digitally gated master clock in a multi-section cavity to keep one
end of the board from talking to the other.


The OP wants it adjustable from 10 to 250 ns.

The OP has not define the resolution !

10 - 250 ns in 1 ns steps or
10 - 250 ns in 10 ns steps or
10 - 250 ns in xx ns steps ???

Also, did the OP state how the control would be handled.

A carbon pot on a (xxx) analog timer chip would be all over the map
and add offsets over temp.

What a mess !

If the OP is still around, what do you have in mind here ??


George Herold

And you are claiming you made it from 123's ?:)

Give me a break, the 123 one-shot is one of the worst chip designs

Are there any better ones?
I've got some 74LS221's left over from an old insturment. (not very

I really would like a fast double pulser, with variable delay.

George H.

George Herold

The 74HC4538 is better than the 123's or 221's but still not fast
enough for a 10ns (stable) pulse width.

Thanks I'll give it a 'look see'. I don't really care about stable.
(I want to simulate PMT pulses.)

George H.


Dammit, stop making sense!
I'm with Jim on this one.

One shots in general are a bad idea. I went through great pains on a
multi-person design to use a counter to get around the one shot, only to
find in a power down mode the crystal was turned off. Fortunately, other
mistakes were in the chip so it wasn't like my screw up solely was to
blame for blowing up the design budget.

The trouble with one shots is they can be influenced by power supply
noise, temperature to some extend if gate delays are part of the
equation, etc. By the time you design a one shot as good as a Swiss
watch, it ends up being an analog beast.

Robert Baer

iCod said:
I need to generate a clean pulse variable from10nS to 250nS twice
a second 2Hz. I'm sure there is a chip out there that will do this?
I have tried a 555 for the 'long' time but the rising edge is too
dirty to derive a clean narrow pulse. Any ideas or pointers greatly
Use the 555 to drive a one-transistor one-shot..

Bill Sloman

Make that assumption if you want to, but it's usually not true. Actual
CMOS input transition points are typically a bit below Vcc/2, but
aren't guaranteed. And rising/falling edge prop delays are usually not
the same. PFETS and NFETS are different animals.

Why create a bunch of hazards when it's completely unnecessary?

I think so. The XOR+delay requires a tunable delay that has a 25:1
spread. If you do that with an RC as you suggest, the edges get very
slow for the longer delays; look at the input transition rate spec in
the data sheet that you provided the link to. A dual one-shot gives
you two clean, fast pulses to work with, and the tunable one only has
to be varied over a fairly small range, like 110 to 350 ns maybe.

An ON-Semiconductor MC100EP195

offers a digitally programmable delay from 2nsec to 12nsec. You can
run the same pulse through one or - maybe easier - two of these parts
under the control of a programmable counter until you've built up the
20 to 250nsec of delay the OP is asking for, and then release the
timing pulse after that delay.

More complex than a monostable, and the propagation delay through the
MC100EP195 is depressingly temperature dependent - the maximum delay
increases by 6% from 25C to 85C and is decreased in the same
proportion at -40C, and the minimum delay changes about twice as fast,
but it might be good enough for use in an air-conditioned lab.

On the other hand, it's ECL so the power rails will be clean and the
edge transitions quick - about 100psec. You've got to route your logic
along traces that look like terminated transmission, but at least ECL
is designed to drive terminated connections.

It would make an odd mix with a 555, but this may be one of those rare
occasions where a 555 is the easiest quick and dirty option - albeit
it very dirty.
I need to generate a clean pulse variable from10nS to 250nS twice
a second 2Hz. I'm sure there is a chip out there that will do this?
I have tried a 555 for the 'long' time but the rising edge is too
dirty to derive a clean narrow pulse. Any ideas or pointers greatly

a cpld, 10 lines of verilog and a 100MHz oscillator, something like
xc9536xl for example

26bit counter to give you ~2Hz, 5 bit counter to give you 10 to 310ns
pulse in 10ns steps

if you want pulse lengths that are not a multiple of 10ns, use a
different oscillator


Bill Sloman

The dual 123 plus one gate package - two cheap cans - clearly wins
over the ECL idea.

And a 221 beats a dual 123 in any application where you don't need to
retrigger the monostable. As Jim Thompson pointed out, the 123 is
crummy monstable. He didn't bother to point out that 121 is a whole
lot better if you don't need to retrigger.

The advantage of the ECL part lies in the quality of the pulse edges
it generates, and the stab\ility of the delay, particularly against
power rail noise. The 121 and 123 are essentially analog comparators
looking at a relatively slow ramp. Any noise on the ramp or the
voltage the comparator is using as a reference create a lot more
jitter than the same power rail noise would create in the ECL system,
and the power rails in an ECL system are pretty much guaranteed
quieter than the power rails in a TTL system.

And the ECL system does lend itself to self-calibration schemes, where
you calibrate the delay generating engine from time to time by getting
it to produce a pulse-width modulated waveform, where the repeat time
is controlled by a much more stable clock - which could be derived
from an off-air standard, traceable back to something at the local
National Bureau Standards.

Here you could go for a 3MHz repeat cycle and use the delay engine to
vary the high time from say 35nsec to 285nsec. Digitise the filtered
DC content of the waveform and you've calibrated the delay engine
against the 3MHz clock.

In practice you'd derive the 3MHz clock from a good 10MHz clock and
generate two additional 135nsec and 235nsec "high" period waveforms by
adding in one or two periods of the 10MHz clock, allowing you to
interpolate between exactly known PWM waveforms and the waveforms
being calibrated.

You can find and calculate out more subtle errors by repeating the
procedure with slower clocks - say 2.5MHz and 2MHz.
The Micrel delay line chips (SY89xxx) are better than the Onsemi ones,
but still not a very good way to do this.

It would be a whole lot better way - if more expensive and complicated
- if you designed it right.
This would work, for both the 2 Hz ticker and the pulse generator:

Perhaps. Does it do any self-calibration? TTL is a a bit of a problem
if you are serious about getting accurate low-jitter timing signals.

Bill Sloman

Well, I think you can do it with a MC10H198 with no
external capacitance.  You'll need to convert the
trigger to the appropriate ECL levels.  If you only need
a couple, this will work.  If you need production quantities,
there ought to be an ECLiPS part that is equivalent, but they
are expensive.

Pity about that. ON-Semiconductor don't make them any more, and don't
seem to have any ECLinPS equivalent
I have done some one-shots with MC10198, and was easily able to
set them down to 15 ns and make a bank of them gang-adjustable
with an external control voltage.

I used them in the 1980's in the beam blanker for Cambridge
Instruments voltage contrast electron microscope.

In fact I used several. One generated pulses wider than about 100nsec,
range-switched by switching in a variety of timing capacitors, the
other generated pulse in the 20nsec to 100nsec region, controller by
adjusting the ramp generating current. For the narrowest pulses 5nsec,
2nsec, 1nsec and 0.5nsec we split a 10nsec ecl pulse and fed one copy
- as a "start" pulse into into one side of a NOR-gate built with
discrete broad-band transistors while the other copy, after routing
through a series of small delays realised as loops of miniature coax,
hit the other side of the gate as a "stop" pulse.

Very nice parts. It's a pity that they've gone obsolete.

Bill Sloman

It does some self-cals, but all timings are based on a crystal
oscillator, a TCXO, so are very stable. There are tempco corrections,
so TC is typically in the few-ps per degree C sort of range. The "TTL"
output edges are around 650 ps rise/fall, faster than 10K ECL.

10K ecl is a bit dated now. Back in 1995 I published a comment in
Rev.Sci, Instrum,

Amongst other things I objected to the offending authors making a fuss
about 10k being four times faster than TTL, when ECLinPS - which had
been freely available for a year or two by then - was four times
faster than 10K.
The OP could conceivable make a dual-one-shot thing himself, in a
sensible amount of time. If that's not good enough, it would make
sense to buy something, rather than spend weeks or months doing
something based on ECL delay lines and supporting logic.

The 74221 has a typical minimum pulse width of 47nsec with a no
external timing capacitance. Worst case limits are 20nsec and 70nsec.

This is incompatible with the 10nsec to 250nsec pulse width requested
by the OP. There are lots of ways that you could shave the pulse down
a bit to reduce that worst case 70nsec down to 10nsec, but none that
would be all that trustworthy, and it's certainly not the single chip
solution that the OP asked for.

As Jon Elson pointed out the MC10198 would have done the job
beautifully, but ON-semiconductor don't make it any more.

The MC100EP195 isn't a single chip solution, and wrapping it up in
enough supporting logic to do the job wouldn't be trivial, but it can
be guaranteed to work, and work very well, if the job is done
carefully. You'd want to do it on a four layer board, and make all the
connections 75R micro-strip. The pulse width would then programmable
in 10psec steps and the pulse edges would be very clean.

The temperature dependence of the delays is a pain, but it looks as if
it would be smooth and predictable. One might be tempted to glue a
Peltier junction onto the top of the MC100EP195, and big heatsink on
top of that, and regulate the substrate temperature to a millidegree
or two, if one could work out how to sense the temperature inside the
MC100EP195 package, by perhaps exploiting one of the protection diodes
as a thermometer.

Buying in a pulse generator is a much better idea, but no fun.



Robert said:
Use the 555 to drive a one-transistor one-shot..
Use C555 which has a 15ns raise/fall to drive this.
R3 sets the pulse width..


Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE -48 112 -64 112
WIRE 192 112 192 96
WIRE 192 112 160 112
WIRE 192 128 192 112
WIRE -64 144 -64 112
WIRE 32 144 32 112
WIRE 160 144 32 144
WIRE 32 160 32 144
WIRE 368 160 224 160
WIRE 80 176 80 112
WIRE 112 176 80 176
WIRE 160 176 112 176
WIRE 192 224 192 192
WIRE -64 240 -64 224
WIRE 32 256 32 240
FLAG 192 224 0
FLAG 192 16 0
FLAG 112 256 0
FLAG -64 240 0
FLAG 32 256 0
SYMBOL Comparators\\LT1720 192 96 R0
SYMBOL voltage 192 112 R180
WINDOW 0 24 96 Left 2
WINDOW 3 24 16 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
SYMBOL res 96 160 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL res 176 96 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL Misc\\signal -64 128 R0
WINDOW 3 -24 154 Left 2
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 2
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 2
SYMATTR Value PULSE(0 5 .5u 15ns 15s .25 .5)
SYMBOL res 48 96 R90
WINDOW 0 -8 19 VBottom 2
WINDOW 3 -60 52 VTop 2
SYMATTR Value 5k
SYMBOL ind 16 144 R0
SYMATTR Value 500µ
TEXT -88 8 Left 2 !.tran 1us
TEXT -144 88 Left 1 ;C555 2Hz signal