Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Simple a/c relay solution needed


Richard Ogden

I have a 240V room AC for my shop in which the thermostat has "bit the
dust". I only need the AC to turn on when the temperature exceeds about 80F
and turn off at around 90F. I don't need anything fancy - just a thermostat
that is capable of turning the *entire* system (compressor and fan) on and
off. So of course it must be capable of handling the full load at startup.
Is there any off-the-shelf unit that I can get to do this (without breaking
the bank)? I'm thinking of combining a simple thermostat and relay, but
don't want to spend money on the project blindly - and frankly (though I am
quite handy with electrical wiring) am not familiar with the industry
abbreviations.. That makes ordering parts difficult...



Richard Ogden said:
I have a 240V room AC for my shop in which the thermostat has "bit the
dust". I only need the AC to turn on when the temperature exceeds about 80F
and turn off at around 90F. I don't need anything fancy - just a thermostat
that is capable of turning the *entire* system (compressor and fan) on and
off. So of course it must be capable of handling the full load at startup.
Is there any off-the-shelf unit that I can get to do this (without breaking
the bank)? I'm thinking of combining a simple thermostat and relay, but
don't want to spend money on the project blindly - and frankly (though I am
quite handy with electrical wiring) am not familiar with the industry
abbreviations.. That makes ordering parts difficult...

on at 80 & off at 90 ? sounds more like heating.

if you mean on at 90 & off at 80, we need to know the size of the AC unit
to tell u what size relay/contactor to get.. could be 5kw could be 50kw
