Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Signal is periodic or aperiodic

I need help to find out the type of signal. Whether it is periodic or aperiodic signal. Periodic signal which repeats over and over with repetition period of T
I can find out time period T but I don't understand it's is periodic or a periodic signal
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I need help to find out the type of signal. Weather it is periodic or a periodic signal. Periodic signal which repeats over and over with repetition period of T
View attachment 28297
I can find out time period T but I don't understand it's is periodic or a periodic signal
Don't you know that all trig functions are periodic? Plot it out and see.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
periodic. since t is not limited.

Please take note that we DO NOT give answers to homework.

Please assist us in this task.

A better answer would be to get vead to tell us the difference as he understood it between periodic an aperiodic signals and then to ask him to apply this to his case.
Please take note that we DO NOT give answers to homework.

Please assist us in this task.

A better answer would be to get vead to tell us the difference as he understood it between periodic an aperiodic signals and then to ask him to apply this to his case

A better answer would be to get vead to tell us the difference as he understood it between periodic an aperiodic signals and then to ask him to apply this to his case.

I agree but I am not asking the exact answer. Main problem is that, if question is given for periodic or a periodic signal then I can solve the question ie I did in my first post. I can put the value in formula and can find out the time. I am asking in practical way.
DC source that generates DC signal
1A current flowing from the DC power supply for 1 minute. Does it means that the current will be same for every time. For 1,2,3 minutes the value of current will be 1A. Is that a periodic signal
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