Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Shure M105E phono cartridge


Meat Plow

Yes I wrote that you dumb-ass. It was a reply to your obsession with N.
Cook. Now, **** off child.

OK. As always, your exemplary good manners[SLAP]

Ah, a manners insult from the same person who posted these unprovoked
attacks on N. Cook.

"Cue N. Cook with nonsense about opening up cartridge and repairing open
winding ... or at least endless speculation about *why* it failed"

Yes Dave, belittling N. Cook for having an inquisitive and experimenter's
mindset. That's really 'good' manners huh?


"But I recognize there are limits. N. Cook does not."

"Repair a lousy magnetic cartridge? Are you serious? I'll bet he would
actually get out his .5mm disc grinder if this equipment landed in his
"shop". Sheesh."

"Hey, he's free to broadcast the results of his bodgering here as much as
he likes. I'm free to ridicule him. See how that works?"

Once again Dave unprovoked, attacks M. Cook for being an experimenter
and being inquisitive. Good manners? Hardly.

It's Dave's 'do as I say (not as I do)' bizzaro-hypocrisy world.

Don't play the 'manners' card on me when you have none yourself.
Now again I urge you to **** off.


Mike Tomlinson

Dave Plowman (News) said:
With a hobby, it doesn't matter much if it takes time to fix
something like that out of all proportion to the cost of replacement. It's
the satisfaction you get from doing it which is priceless.

Absolutely. Not only that, you learn so much more about how what you
are fixing works, and that's useful experience for future jobs.


Hello again all,

When I posted my request, I was trying to save a customer some money on
a repair that was getting expensive.

ONE person actually sent me an e-mail with some useful info on a web
site that had a similar cartridge at a reasonable price, and thanks to
him for that.

I had NO INTENTIONS of starting a thread on bashing an individual.

DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. Instead, either skip over posts from that
person, or learn to use your browsers' features and block posts from
that person.

While I do find some people attempt repairs that I would not, I also
find that sometimes they have something useful to say, or have found an
reasonable way to repair something that I thought could not be repaired
for less than the cost of replacement.

Tim Schwartz
Bristol Electronics

P.S. I had my brands wrong. The cartridges I used to see open windings
in all the time was Micro Acoustics, not Audio Technica. My apologies
to Audio Technica. (My memory is getting sort of foggy.)

Original post:

Hello all,

I've got a customer's turntable here with a Shure M105E p-mount
cartridge in it. The stylus is fine, but the cartridge itself has an
open winding. I've seen this in Audio Technica and Grado cartridges
over the years, but never before in a Shure. Any chance you've got a
good body without a stylus you'd part with? (In the USA preferred. I'll
gladly pay shipping.)

Tim Schwartz
Bristol Electronics

Micro Acoustics cartridges didn't have coils. It was actually Ortofon
cartridges and whatever name they gave their cheap line of cartridges.
Those cartridges, whose name I can't recall, usually had an open coil
within 3 years. Chuck