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Shameless Plug


Rune Allnor

Jerry Avins said:
Rune Allnor wrote:


"Block" is at least the pulley housing. "Tackle" may be just the rope,
or it may mean rope, pulley, and axle. "Tackle" is also a synonym for
"gear", meaning equipment. More to look up!

While you are at it, the word "trille" means "roll" while the word
"trylle" means "perform 'magic' tricks", as you can see illusionists
do on circus etc. The more 'real' form of magic, like whitchcraft,
is known as either "trolleri", "magics of troll", or "trollskap",
"workings of trolls". These are magic tricks with a sinister twist
to them. "Trollskap" also applies to pranks and practical jokes
with a not all benign emphasis. "Troll" as a prefix would also serve
to denote an abnormly large or particularly maliscious/badly behaved
variation of some object or creature.

So I guess anyone who wants to untangle the etymolgical web with
basis in the word "troll" would be busy for a couple of days.
From this thread I find the following similar words from English
and Norwegian:

Talje [Norw] (n) - rolling wheel for ropes to run on
Trallala [Norw] (?) - common 'lyrics' of song when humming
Tralle [Norw] (v) - sing, hum
Tralle [Norw] (n) - small wagon
Trawl [Eng] (v) - fish by dragging a net
Trille [Norw] (v) - roll
Trille [Norw] (n) - small wagon
Troll [Norw] (n) - mythological creature
Troll [Eng] (v) - fish with lure
Troll(?) [Eng] (v) - sing loudly in drunken state
Troll(?) [Eng] (v) - ramble, talk/sing incoherently(?)
Troll(?) [Eng] (v) - roll
Trolle [Norw] (v) - perform black magic
Trolleri [Norw] (n) - blak magic
Trolley [Eng] (n) - small wagon
Trollskap [Norw] (n) - prank, practical joke with a 'bad' twist
Trylle [Norw] (v) - perform illusions or showtime 'magic'
(ref Houdini, Copperfield)
Tråle [Norw] (v) - fish by dragging a net

The English and Norwegian languages are both based in the norse
common languages of some 1000 - 1200 years ago, so it would come
as no surprise if some of these words share common roots and have
evolved in different ways in the two languages.


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