Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Shameless Plug


Ben Bradley

In a shameless crosspost on, sci.engr.control
and comp.dsp said:
Embedded Systems Programming Magazine has sunk to a new low -- they made
_my_ article their cover story in the July issue.

Congratulations, and my condolences to ESP. :)

Scanning over the article, it looks good, I've been aware of the
techniques you describe for a while, but it's always good to see
another article on it and some more ideas on how to use it.

martin griffith

Congratulations. It's a good article.

yep nice article, but dont tell the HiFi loonies

also some good stuff from Ganssle


Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

Fred Bloggs

Tim said:
Embedded Systems Programming Magazine has sunk to a new low -- they made
_my_ article their cover story in the July issue.

Tee hee.

Nicely done- I was anxious to see a analytical expression of some sort
for the actual distribution of the noise energy as a function of the
quantizer resolution and the integrator time constant so that this can
be bounded from the start rather than through simulation. Your system
reminded of exactly of an analog circuit for very high resolution analog
voltage to duty cycle conversion using a single chip oa-vref-comparator
combination where the oa integrates the error difference between the
Vin and an output of the comparator switching between Vref and gnd.

Tim Wescott

Fred said:
Nicely done- I was anxious to see a analytical expression of some sort
for the actual distribution of the noise energy as a function of the
quantizer resolution and the integrator time constant so that this can
be bounded from the start rather than through simulation.

Some software engineers can be remarkably averse to that sort of thing
-- editors too.

It doesn't seem to make much difference for a 1st-order system, and
analytical expressions for such a nonlinear system are hard to come by.
I was going to include 2nd-order sigma-deltas in there, but I was not
at all satisfied with my own understanding of them so I'm leaving those
bits out until I know what the f*** I'm talking about.
Your system
reminded of exactly of an analog circuit for very high resolution analog
voltage to duty cycle conversion using a single chip oa-vref-comparator
combination where the oa integrates the error difference between the
Vin and an output of the comparator switching between Vref and gnd.

It sounds like you were just using a 1st-order analog sigma-delta. The
sigma-delta modulator itself is what is used in those itty bitty 24-bit
ADC converters that you can get for instrumentation, they're just
preceded by a 2nd- or 3rd-order loop filter, and succeeded by _lots_ of
digital filtering before the answer gets chunked out to a microprocessor.

Paul Burridge

Embedded Systems Programming Magazine has sunk to a new low -- they made
_my_ article their cover story in the July issue.

Nice one, Tim. Today ESP., tomorrow, Time. ;->

John Larkin

Embedded Systems Programming Magazine has sunk to a new low -- they made
_my_ article their cover story in the July issue.

Tee hee.


Hey, what about taking the extra LSBs and using them to index into a
lookup table full of duty-cycle "waveform" bitmaps? Then you could
approximate higher-order delta-sigmas without actually having to do a
bunch of integrations.

Like 0001001000101010 = duty cycle pattern for 5/16 of a DAC lsb

1011010110110011 = 10/16

or something.


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