Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Servo control newbie help

Hi there.
I'm doing a project that requires a servo going from 0 deg to 180 deg to 0 deg only once every X hour.

I considered using a 4060b for the 0-24 hour timer and a 555 to controll the servo movement.

when pin 3 on the 4060b triggers pin 2 on the 555 the servo makes one cycle.

i do have a diagram for the 4060b timer and one for the 555 but i cant seem to make the servo do just one cycle.

i considerd using a pic to do the job but i have no experience in programing it and dont have a diagram

hope you can help me
You could use a one-shot (monostable multivibrator) to make it do only once cycle each time and input goes from low to high.

But I would be interested in knowing how you would make the servo sweep from 0 to 180 and back with a single 555 timer?


p.s. I would use a PIC. It is trivial if you happen to be familiar with them. If you ever want to learn them, this might be the time!
i found this diagram and as i understand it it will make that sweep.
my plan was to have another timer based on the 4060 to control a relay that would power on the servo controller but there's to many variables since the servo controller will continue to swipe as long as the controller has power and therefore i figured that the 4060 would have to be timed to sync one swipe. but again I'm new to this so maybe I should just try it with a pic instead and i do know how to program but only c++ i don't know if thac is of any use - Servo Basics.pdf
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