Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Serial communication problem.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Constantine, I don't know if the serial terminal included in GREAT COW BASIC provides a 'Send until the earth stops rotating' option but it's built into the IDE and the software is free. Best of all GCB will nurse you off Picaxe. ;)



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I haven't installed the latest version of GCB yet but I doubt that the terminal looks any different than my version. Here's a screenshot of a macro I wrote that sends that string every 100mS. I'm reading the Input buffer because I'm using a Loop-back Tester. So anything I transmit echos back to the RX buffer.

This is the first time I've ever used this terminal and I'm impressed. It took me a total of 5 minutes to figure out how to use the terminal and write this simple textual macro.

General purpose serial terminals don't typically provide a function like that. What's the purpose of repeatedly transmitting the identical message?


I apologise for the long time it took me to write back... I will try to explain the best way i can.

I beleave you remember my Picaxe-GPS project.

In my lab i do not happen to have the two GPS receivers i need to perform a real time test with the picaxe.

I need the serial terminal to be able to tranmitt the same sentence over and over for two reasons. First because when the PGS is staionary the output sentence is identical and second because i need to be able to alter the sentence to simulate (moving GPS receiver) DOP value change.

And all the above just to make sure that the picaxe will respond correctly all the time.

Ofcource there is the serial terminal emulator within Picaxe editor but i really need to test the "real life picaxe" while receiveing actual nmea sentences.

I hope it makes sense.
I haven't installed the latest version of GCB yet but I doubt that the terminal looks any different than my version. Here's a screenshot of a macro I wrote that sends that string every 100mS. I'm reading the Input buffer because I'm using a Loop-back Tester. So anything I transmit echos back to the RX buffer.

This is the first time I've ever used this terminal and I'm impressed. It took me a total of 5 minutes to figure out how to use the terminal and write this simple textual macro.

View attachment 37273

I am away for the weekend so i will try it i a few days. I will write back to let you know. It looks like it will work for me.

Thank you so much ! :)


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
That comment was an expression of how much I love GREAT COW BASIC! Perhaps I should have said "Wean" you off Picaxe? Don't get me wrong. I admire what the folks at Picaxe created. They created a painless and inexpensive gateway into embedded programming. If it were not for Picaxe this old ElectronHead would never had touched a microcontroller. After becoming proficient with Picaxe I attempted to migrate to blank PICs through various Basic programming environments but they all failed to make me a devotee. I even tried ASM but failed to even get to first base with it. So it seemed I'd be stuck with Picaxe forever.

GCB changed all that damn near overnight. I now have hundreds of PICs to choose from and load them with super fast pure HEX code. When you're ready come and join us at Great Cow Basic!

So it seemed I'd be stuck with Picaxe forever.
Yes i am at this point a while now since i havent had the slightest idea about programming before i came across Picaxe. Seriously now i really dont know a thing about programming besides the very basic commands of Picaxe.

I take your word for Great Cow Basic. I will try it and see.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
The Great Cow Basic Forum will guide you through transitioning. They will never talk down to you and are happy to see Picaxe users join the GCB fan club. Sometimes I think that forum never sleeps because replies are fast!

There are also gobs of GCB vids on youtube. You will find that the syntax is very similar as all flavors of Basic. The software comes loaded with sh!t loads of example code. Besides all the snippets found in the help files the examples folder holds full blown and robust copy & paste code.

One of the things that I really love about the GCB IDE is when you click "Compile" it generates two viewable files. ASM and HEX. This is very handy for people that can code with ASM and have the ability to shrink their code. If you're a masochist it can be used to learn ASM. In fact the GCB (Synwrite) IDE accepts code entries in both GCB syntax or ASM within the same project, code block, sub, etc.

This is the first time I've ever used this terminal and I'm impressed. It took me a total of 5 minutes to figure out how to use the terminal and write this simple textual macro.
Is it a software simulation or does it actually transmitts the text through the PC's rs232 port ?
I have this question... For my Picaxe project i want to tap my picaxe to the rs232 line so that it can "snif" data.

The problem with the circuit in post #61 is the diode that protects the transistor from reverse voltages.
when rs232 line is -15V That diode pulls my rs232 line to ground through the 10k resistor.

I thought i could avoit that by removing the diode and placeing it in series with the resistor and base of transistor like picture below. Any thoughts ?


  • Χωρίς τίτλο.png
    Χωρίς τίτλο.png
    7.6 KB · Views: 94


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Yeah, that's a good idea. Especially the schematic.

Are you sure you have things straight now?



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Let's just hope you didn't fry the Serial Port. What you described is close to a short to gnd because the base emitter junction will pull it down to ~0.7V with the absence of the limiting resistor.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3

The problem with the circuit in post #61 is the diode that protects the transistor from reverse voltages.
when rs232 line is -15V That diode pulls my rs232 line to ground through the 10k resistor.
I was referring to this statement. If that's happening then you have miss-wired it and you could damage your serial port. On the other hand I may be misinterpreting you.
