Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sensor for automated retail kiosk


I am looking for a sensor for an automated retail kiosk. This sensor has to determine when a person has his hand inside a compartment and when the hand of the person is not in the compartment. So in the kiosk, the person take the product he bought from the compartment and then a door closes.

The compartment is about 50 cm long and 30 cm width, so I was thinking to use an Array photoelectric sensor, or a light grid sensor, but the ones that I have found are very expensive, around 800 dolars.

Do you know what alternative do I have? what other sensor could I use that allows me to cover the entrance area of the compartment (50cm*30cm)?

Thank you!



Hi there Eloisa
welcome to EP :)

The compartment is about 50 cm long and 30 cm width

is that also the size of the entrance door ?

If the opening isn't much bigger than the hand, then a single IR LED and sensor across the opening should be all you need

show some photos or drawings

Hello Dave!

Yes, that is the size of the entrance door where you can take the product out of the machine

I think an IR led and sensor is not enough, because I need to cover all the area (50cm*30cm)

If I use that sensor it will only cover one part of the area, and I can not be completely sure if someone has the hand inside of the compartment. I need to have no security breaches =)

So, if a person is picking his product, the door of the compartment does not closes until the person has taken out his hand of the compartment. Also if the person puts his hand inside and the sensor does not detect him the door will close and it will hurt the person

Thank you again for your help, I sent you a drawing but i am not sure if it will help



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Hop - AC8NS
Hasn't this problem already been solved by vending machines that dispense a product? The buyer presses on a "door" that opens backwards to provide access to the product after vending while a mechanical mechanism operated by the door simultaneously prevents access to unpurchased product.

How is your kiosk unique and/or better than millions of other vending machines?
It sounds like there is a motorized door.
Does the door block the sensor area at any time?
Can the product block the sensor area at any time?
In other words, if an optical array sensor were free, would it be the perfect solution or could it be fooled sometimes?

And, what is the product that needs a 2.5 foot wide doorway?
