Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Send/Return 1/4 inch socket by-pass switches going open circuit


Homer J Simpson

OK, school-time: what you need is a GC Electronics 9337 "Plastone"
contact burnishing tool.

For cheap contact filing get a diamond nail file from the dollar store.
Power off first.





I'm sure that I'm probably opening myself up to a bunch of abuse here, but I
have to say that in over 35 years of repairing group amps, the number of
occasions that I've found the effects send and return socket switches
causing a problem of intermittent output, has been so small that I would
consider it negligible as a problem

I see it all the time. You have to remember that lots of this stuff
spends it life in smoky bars. The "bar ick" gets into the n.c. jack
contacts and can cause intermittent connection. As long as the jack is
in good mechanical condition, they can be cleaned and put back into
service. I just cut card stock into thin strips, coat it with good
contact cleaner and drag it through the contacts till all the ick is
gone. Then treat with contact preserver. Works great.

For oxidised jacks I'll pull them out and toss 'em in tarn-x followed
by contact preserver.

Lord Valve

Homer said:
For cheap contact filing get a diamond nail file from the dollar store.
Power off first.

Too abrasive, and *way* too large for the application.

At less than $2 each, there is no excuse not to have the
correct tool. Intermittent FX loop normalling contacts
are fairly common, especially in guitar amps used
in nightclubs, which are at the mercy of ungodly
amounts of cigarette smoke, theatrical fog, perfume,
dust kicked up by dancers, etc. Additionally, mixing desk
channel and subgroup insert jacks also suffer from dirty
normalling contacts; carrying a few TRS plugs with the
tips wired to the rings is a good idea - but a temporary
fix. Eventually, someone will need to clean them, using
the method I outlined earlier on this thread.



I'm sure that I'm probably opening myself up to a bunch of abuse here, but I
have to say that in over 35 years of repairing group amps, the number of
occasions that I've found the effects send and return socket switches
causing a problem of intermittent output, has been so small that I would
consider it negligible as a problem

I see it all the time. You have to remember that lots of this stuff
spends it life in smoky bars. The "bar ick" gets into the n.c. jack
contacts and can cause intermittent connection. As long as the jack is
in good mechanical condition, they can be cleaned and put back into
service. I just cut card stock into thin strips, coat it with good
contact cleaner and drag it through the contacts till all the ick is
gone. Then treat with contact preserver. Works great.

For oxidised jacks I'll pull them out and toss 'em in tarn-x followed
by contact preserver.

Lord Valve

Arfa said:
Well said. There was a letter in my Sunday paper just last week about
exactly that ...

Don't get me started.

These clods INSIST on spelling the short form of
"microphone" as "mic," giving rise to such ungainly
and downright goofy looking constructions as
"micing," "miced," etc. These same miscreants
also pronounce "Alnico" as "al-KNEE-co," which,
as anyone who is willing to spend half a minute
checking a dictionary can easily ascertain, is
completely wrong. Stupid sounding, to boot.


Lord Valve
Grammarian/Lexicographer (amateur)


Don't get me started.

These same miscreants
also pronounce "Alnico" as "al-KNEE-co," which,
as anyone who is willing to spend half a minute
checking a dictionary can easily ascertain, is
completely wrong. Stupid sounding, to boot.


Lord Valve
Grammarian/Lexicographer (amateur)

Gawd I hate that. ALuminum, NIckel, CObalt. There are no knee-highs
or Grape Nehi involved in the production of alnico.

TD Madden

Homer said:
For cheap contact filing get a diamond nail file from the dollar store.
Power off first.
dollar-bill will work in a pinch, too..


Arfa said:
Well said. There was a letter in my Sunday paper just last week about
exactly that ...

The one that always gets me is "fish and chip's" !


Lord Valve

DGDevin said:
Damn straight, if there's one thing LV is good at it's pulling his own wire.

Yours has obviously been pulled. Again.

Here's your sign.



Don't get me started.

These clods INSIST on spelling the short form of
"microphone" as "mic," giving rise to such ungainly
and downright goofy looking constructions as
"micing," "miced," etc. These same miscreants
also pronounce "Alnico" as "al-KNEE-co," which,
as anyone who is willing to spend half a minute
checking a dictionary can easily ascertain, is
completely wrong. Stupid sounding, to boot.


Lord Valve
Grammarian/Lexicographer (amateur)
Mice'd - what happens when you put you amp in the barn for too long a
Gawd I hate that. ALuminum, NIckel, CObalt. There are no knee-highs
or Grape Nehi involved in the production of alnico.

Hmmm, how about you explain the pronunciation of the word 'vagina'?

Rhymes with 'Virginia'?


Arfa Daily

Hmmm, how about you explain the pronunciation of the word 'vagina'?

Rhymes with 'Virginia'?

'Vagina' is a real word, 'alnico' isn't, being an acronym formed from the
first syllables of three real words. Although the pronunciation of an
acronym doesn't always follow any rule relating to how the letter or
combination of letters were pronounced in the original word from which
it / they were taken, where that original pronunciation does fit in well,
it's usually retained. Hence radar is pronounced ray - dar rather than
radd - ar, and alnico is pronounced al - nick - co.

For what it's worth, I actually think that the correct shortened form of
"microphone" should be "mic", but that this is a case where an apostrophe,
which does after all indicate missing letters from a fully spelled-out word,
can be used to good effect such that the words you cite become "mic'd" and
"mic'ing". The two words probably don't actually exist in reality, and are
just creations that indicate an action to those in the business that
understand their implied meaning, so it's hard to apply any 'proper' rules
to producing an abreviated form of them.

Arfa ( also a lover of the correct use of the language ... )


You pluralized a word with an apostrophe. That's a hanging offense where
I come
from, pardner.

Well said. There was a letter in my Sunday paper just last week about
exactly that ...

Anything in there about not trimming posts? ;)


N said:
Going by the rusty cabinet screws on a lot of the kit I see they must be
stored in sheds or garages.
Anyway this example I "abraided" with a cut segment of nylon cable tie and
"Brasso" metal polish, cleaned off by a strip of card dampened with meths.
Drilled a hole through the board either side of the switch and tied some
silicone rubber cordage around the switch passing through a piece of plastic
barrel that seated neatly in the top of the flexing metal strip.

Hold on... did you just say that you DRILLED HOLES through the circuit
board of someones possibly valuable/precious amplifier! after 'abrading'
the contacts with a chunk of CABLE TIE! and BRASSO!

Electrolube make contact cleaning strips specially for the very job of
cleaning contacts (the clue is in the name) they are pink and they work
- for a while, then the problem comes back.

Look.. don`t piss about, just replace the damn sockets with new ones
add a drop of Elecrolube from one of those squeezy pen things right on
the spots where the contact is made and Bob's your uncle as we say over


Arfa Daily

Dave Curtis said:

Vagina has a proper latin root meaning "sheath". Irrespective of what
Webster's says, alnico *is* an acronym, which makes it not a 'real' word in
the sense that I was intending, as I'm sure you really understood ... ;~)

However, that said, I do accept that a language is a living thing, and
that's how new words become part of it. Common usage by uneducated people
though, doesn't make them "right", and I wince every time that the Oxford
English ( IMO, the only proper dictionary of the English language ) publish
a list of half-arsed 'new' words, which are actually slang, that they are
going to include in their next edition.

Some years back, my kids were coming home from school telling me how
"face-ty" other kids had been that particular day. It took me ages to get to
the bottom of this. It turned out that what they were trying to say was the
word "feisty". Thickos ( not a real word either ! ) at the school had
actually 'invented' a new word, by mis-pronouncing an existing one. My kids
have now left school, and know what the word should be, but I'm willing to
bet that this 'new' word is still in use at the school, and will spread,
until in 30 years' time, the Oxford English are listing it in their latest
volume !



Lord Valve said:
Yours has obviously been pulled. Again.

Here's your sign.

Son, if there is one thing a guy who has himself photographed wearing a big,
floppy crocheted hat and pointing an unloaded handgun into the camera needs
it's an ability to laugh at himself. Loosen up boy, if there is one act you
can't carry off it's stern authority figure, you just don't have the chops
for it.