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Maker Pro

Sencore SC3100 & HA2500 owners, a little help please

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So I bought a Sencore SC3100 scope on ebay and it didn't come with a
probe. I admit I got caught up with a little auction frenzy and should
have checked into the probe thing first. Do you need a special probe
for these things? Or can you use any scope probe? If any of you know
this could you let me know. Sencore sells them for $158.00 on their
ebay store but I hope I don't have to spend that much on one. Also...

HA2500 owners. Same thing. There are two probes once is just with a
small plug that ends in three clips and one ends in two clips. They
want $68.00 for the three wire one. That is a little bit too much for
three leads and a plug. If someone who owns one of these could you
tell me what the color goes to what pin on the plugs. I will just make
my own.

I really apprecate any and all help.

Hello fellow Sencore user. Yes, Sencore are out of thier minds with the
prices they charge for probes and such. You call Lance at Choice
Electronics 800-609-0677 You tell him Tony from Telerama Television
told me to call you. I'm telling you Russ, he has the best prices on
Sencor probes. I think he has the scope probes brand new @ $90.00 Give
him a call, he is a hell of a nice guy to deal with.

Thanks, I will do that. I guess you need something somewhat special
for the SC3100. My regular probe from my other scope doesn't give DC
Thank you