Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Senate committee; Keep taxpayers uninformed



Senate Dems vote to hide full text of ObamaCare
They voted to not put the healthcare bill online!
What? The representatives don't want the taxpayers to know
what their are voting on?
This is sick. Absolutely sick.


That's because most politicans don't read legislation and don't know
what they are voting on. They find it annoying when Jo Public knows
more about a subject than they do.

Ouroboros Rex

Raveninghorde said:
That's because most politicans don't read legislation and don't know
what they are voting on. They find it annoying when Jo Public knows
more about a subject than they do.

What Mike is trying to say is, they voted not to allow republicans to
hobble a committee by adding a requirement the republicans have never worked

And what you are trying to say is, republicans want to pretend conceptual
language used in creating a bill is actually legislation.
"The Democrats noted that unlike other committees, the Finance Committee
works off conceptual language that describes policies - instead of
legislative language that ultimately becomes law, and which the GOP
amendment would have required.

Democrats accepted an alternate amendment to make conceptual language
available online before a vote."

Another republican hoax destroyed.


What Mike is trying to say is, they voted not to allow republicans to
hobble a committee by adding a requirement the republicans have never worked

And what you are trying to say is, republicans want to pretend conceptual
language used in creating a bill is actually legislation.
"The Democrats noted that unlike other committees, the Finance Committee
works off conceptual language that describes policies - instead of
legislative language that ultimately becomes law, and which the GOP
amendment would have required.

Democrats accepted an alternate amendment to make conceptual language
available online before a vote."

Another republican hoax destroyed.

Thanks. Glad you know what you thought I said. Shame it wasn't what I
actually said.

I made a general comment about politicians and expressed no view on
the specifics of your local Senate or legislation.

Ouroboros Rex

Raveninghorde said:
Thanks. Glad you know what you thought I said. Shame it wasn't what I
actually said.

I made a general comment about politicians and expressed no view on
the specifics of your local Senate or legislation.

So, which action was your "that" referring to? Something by someone else?

Jon Slaughter

Ouroboros Rex said:
What Mike is trying to say is, they voted not to allow republicans to
hobble a committee by adding a requirement the republicans have never
worked under.

And what you are trying to say is, republicans want to pretend conceptual
language used in creating a bill is actually legislation.
"The Democrats noted that unlike other committees, the Finance Committee
works off conceptual language that describes policies - instead of
legislative language that ultimately becomes law, and which the GOP
amendment would have required.

Democrats accepted an alternate amendment to make conceptual language
available online before a vote."

Another republican hoax destroyed.

Just curious. Does Obama send you a check in the mail or do you have to have
to pick up your check from acorn?

Richard the Dreaded Libertarian

Just curious. Does Obama send you a check in the mail or do you have to have
to pick up your check from acorn?

Silly boy - he gets his payoff under the table, in cash. >:->



Another republican hoax destroyed.
Christ, dude... you are such a fucking total retard.

There was no fucking hoax, you retarded hoax put forth as human. What
you really are is sub-human pond scum.


Just curious. Does Obama send you a check in the mail or do you have to have
to pick up your check from acorn?
Bwuahahahahahahaahahahahaa! Great shill joke referring to a piss poor

Ouroboros Rex

Jon said:
Just curious. Does Obama send you a check in the mail or do you have
to have to pick up your check from acorn?

Why, do republicans generally need to be paid before they will correct
errant bullshit?

This is actually pretty simple. Troll a newsgroup with off topic hate,
take what you get. =)

Ouroboros Rex

flipper said:
You hacking up what I wrote to misrepresent it *is* a "stupid lie."

Sorry, no misrepresentation occurred, and you can't show otherwise.