Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Sea 222 info



Hi I am looking for a schematic or where I can purchase a service manual
for a Datamarine Sea 222 SSB radio. I was on their web site and there
seems to be no contact info. Any information will be appreciated.
Please email me direct. (remove nospam from email address)


Bruce Gordon

Steve said:

The SEA 222 SSB radio was built by Stephens Engineering, here in Seattle. I
don't see how Datamarine would be involved (Datamarine is now out of

I have the SEA 223 SSB but just happen to have a copy of the SEA 222 manual
as well..

If I'm correct and your are in fact looking for this model, let me know and
I will send it to you..

BTW. Their manuals are excellent, easy to understand and includes a lot of
theory of operation. The equipment is very easy to repair in the field.

s/v Good Intentions

DataMarine bought out SEA about 10 years ago and operated it as a
seperate company untill they both went out of business due to Bad
Management Practices, and just plain foolishness. Their Service
Department is still in business as of a few months ago, but they
have few parts left for the 222's anymore. I have a complete set of
Service Manuals for ALL SEA Equipment, and if there is anything that I
am missing, I know who to talk to to get what I don't have.

Bruce in Alaska
[email protected]

Bruce (semiretired powderman & exFCC Field Inspector for Southeastern Alaska)

Bruce Gordon * Debora Gordon R.N. Bruce's Trading Post
P.O. Box EXI Excursion Inlet South
Juneau, Alaska 99850 Excursion Inlet, Alaska 99850