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Satellite and Radio signal

Does satellite signal behave like radio signal,radio signal go far doing night time but day time radio signal need more power.
So does satellite signal stronger night time than day time?
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Radio signals in the medium wave and short wave bands encounter vatious ionised layers in the atmosphere, these can absorb the signals, reflect the signals or focus the signals. The ionisation is affected by the sun.

Modern TV signals, mobile phone signals and satellite signals are of much higher frequency and are only attenuated. I do not think that the ionisation layers affect them much. Satellite signals only travel a short distance through the atmosphere but can be affected by rain and snow.
UHF signals can be bent by humidity gradients, thus signals between UK and France were sent with aerials only a few meters above sea level and the wave stayed within the duct.


Does satellite signal behave like radio signal,radio signal go far doing night time but day time radio signal need more power.

just so you understand .... signals from satellites ARE radio signals, just up in the microwave part of the radio spectrum, around 12 GHz

Because they penetrate the atmosphere at an almost perpendicular ( well.... give or take a bit) they pass through the ionosphere with reasonable ease

The much lower frequency broadcast radio frequencies will reflect off the ionosphere at very low angles during the appropriate times of the day or nite.
It's a reasonably involved topic :)

So does satellite signal stronger night time than day time?

no, partly because as I mentioned earlier, because of the angle of penetration through the ionosphere and partly because the ionosphere wont support
reflection of those microwave frequencies

As @duke37 said, the main thing that affects satellite signal propagation is weather conditions

These antennas you see everywhere for television reception, receive radiowaves from satellites day and night equally.
the main thing that affects satellite signal propagation is weather conditions
LOCAL weather conditions - we frequently lose our satellite reception in heavy down pours or thick snow conditions. But, then again, we're located quite far North so the satellite is 'low' in the sky and the atmospheric transmission path that much longer than for 'equatorial' situated receivers.