Maker Pro
Maker Pro

samsung tv not receiving hdmi signal

ok so i have a 51" samsung tv that has an xbox, a wii u, and my computer all hooked up via hdmi. a while back i wanted to play my xbox and the hdmi cord is plugged in firmly but the tv says it is not receiving a signal. I try all of my other devices on all ports and the problem persists. i look online and try all the tutorials and fixes and none of them work.
does anyone know a different fix i could use because i like my devices and i dont want to get a new tv. any help would be appreciated.


I try all of my other devices on all ports and the problem persists.

not sure if that meant it has more than one HDMI port ?
does the TV have more than one HDMI port ? most have several, my one has 4 HDMI ports
if so, have you tried any other ports ?

do any of the other external inputs work ? V/A, USB etc etc
It may be a failed input board and you need to get a replacement

not sure if that meant it has more than one HDMI port ?
does the TV have more than one HDMI port ? most have several, my one has 4 HDMI ports
if so, have you tried any other ports ?

do any of the other external inputs work ? V/A, USB etc etc
It may be a failed input board and you need to get a replacement

The tv has 2 hdmi ports and they both don't work. Also I have a dvd hooked up to it via AV (hopefully that's their name) and that works.
I'm familiar with old electronics, and am pretty-much a dolt with all the new-fangled input/output types on these new televisions. I usually have my kids do the techy stuff for me.
When your issue assaulted me, one of my kids picked-up the TV remote, and got into the service menu, where
he changed the 'input' to 'hdmi'.
I don't know if this is your problem or not, but it's something to check.
Some of these TV's have to be told via the service menu, what input to look for.
Good luck.
How's about trying another cable. Once in a while the cable wire goes bad. (Usually the wire breaks at the connector itself, but I've seen pets damage them too).
I've the same problem with my Panasonic tv but made the decision that it's not worth repairing. There's no guarantee the hdmi input board is the problem either.

I just use component inputs and still get a great HD picture on it.
Only downside is, Dvd players no longer come with component outputs.
Yeah. Others here also think there's a problem with the TV itself. That's probably the case. Especially since you
checked other tutorials and have tried their recommended fixes.
Sorry, but it looks like sooner or later you'll have to try to have your TV repaired, or buy another one that is compatible with the systems you want to use with it.
You sound like someone who tries everything else first. If I were you, before giving-up, I'd run through those
menu option inputs again, and try each one of them, to see if you can find another compatible input option that might work for what you want to do. I've been stymied with my TV before, and my kids always seem to find the right combination to do what I want done. It's probably useless, but that's what I'd do, and if there are some options you just bypassed in your efforts, you might want to run through them and see if you get lucky.
Good luck, and sorry again if you can't get the issue resolved.