Maker Pro
Maker Pro

salt water damage


i have just returned from a holiday with some fantastic footage from my daughters V-tech action cam. Problem is one of the days that we were out the waterproof case failed while we where snorkelling, I've stripped the unit down and already i can see the delicate circuitry is starting to perish.
it seems that the micro usb port is not reading anything or charging, so i believe that is going to be one of the big problems. How would i go about removing the data from the onboard chips, if there is a way? the micro SD expansion card has not failed and i have recovered all of the footage from there, but the lo and behold the best footage is on the internal storage. :confused:

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks,

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Use a solution of baking soda to stop the corrosion.

Post pics of the internals - close-up and in focus! Getting data off an onboard chip won't be easy.