Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rotating Solar Panel Mount/Limit Switches


I'm currently working on making a motorized rotating mount for 2 solar panels on top of my motorhome. I've got the mechanical design done, but I don't know how to set up the limit switches. I know I could use a NC SPST spring loaded switch at each end/limit of rotation, but I haven't been able to locate a switch that would be good out in the weather and require no components other than the switches (regular limit switches generally require a relay and/or consume some power). This way I could use a 3 position DOWN-OFF-UP switch to control the panel from inside, then when it hits the end switch it mechanically disrupts the circuit, but is still allowed to go the other direction (then the spring loaded switch would return to its NC position and it would be allowed to go either direction. Does this sound reasonable, or are there any switch suggestions? Or any other suggestions for this project?

I'm really new to circuitry, so I'm sorry if some of this sounds silly. I could also upload some drawings if needed to clarify, but I think it's pretty simple (other than not knowing exactly how to do it).



EDIT: for example this is what i was considering using one of at each end of travel, then just enclosing the whole assembly to protect from the elements
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Your plan is sound, and there are many waterproof industrial switches. Or, you can use the magnetic reed switches designed for home alarm systems. These are hermetically sealed by design, and relatively low cost. Put the magnets on the moving part and one reed switch at each end of the travel range. The trick is getting reed switches that are Form C, SPDT, so they have a normally closed contact. ebay and Amazon have them.

To control the direction of a DC motor by reversing its power connections, the down-off-up switch will have to be DPDT to handle both direction and master power duties.



  • MotorReverseSwitch-1-c.pdf
    10.8 KB · Views: 67
You are wasting your time and money. A perfect 2-axis tracker only provides about 30% more energy than an optimally aligned fixed one. So using 30% larger fixed panels will produce the same energy at lower cost and higher reliability.

Look around. How many commercial solar farms do you see with trackers?

There is a solar farm sprinkled around DIA, and each row of panels has an articulated arm moving the entire row all in unison. Don't know if it is motorized or just a basic mid-day alignment.
